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HT Hardcore Season 6

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Welcome to the official thread for HT Hardcore Season 6. The first season race will start Sunday, August 21st and the season will consist of 15 races. There will be 1-2 pre-season tournaments. Racers can sign up for tournaments under the events tab on the HaloTracks Discord. This season will feature 24 new/old tracks that have not been raced on in previous seasons. All existing maps have also been fixed/updated.

HT Discord: HaloTracks Discord 

HT Hardcore Season 6 Spreadsheet: HT Hardcore Season 6

All tracks can be found on the HTHardcore profile fileshare or via this link: HT Hardcore Files


  • Schedule

  • Criteria

  • Format

  • Rules

  • Penalties

  • Oddities

  • Tracks

  • Hosts



Season tournaments will be held regularly every:

  • Sunday @ 7:00 PM EST on Halo MCC

Impromptu squad tournaments may be hosted at any time by discretion as long as:

  • An official HT Hardcore host is present.

  • There are at least 6 participants.

Season 6 will consist of 15 weekly races not including impromptu tourneys.



  • All racers are welcome! Participants can sign up using the events tab in discord.

  • Official scheduled and impromptu tournaments must have a minimum of 6 participants.

  • In the event that there are 8-11 participants, priority will be given to those who signed up first.

  • In the event that there are 12-16 potential participants. A 2nd lobby will be created or Halo reach can be played if agreed upon by the lobby.

  • The default number of races will be 6 per tournament, unless otherwise voted on prior to the start of the first race.

  • Maps are randomly picked before every race from the map pool using a spin wheel. Maps that have been raced on will be removed from the map pool for future tournaments and then re-added once all other maps have been raced.

  • Impromptu tournaments may have a set tracklist or be randomly picked from the map pool.



  • HARDCORETRACKS is a variant of mayhem racing, which takes place on skytracks modified with traps and obstacles that are designed to hinder or kill the racer. 

  • Races consist of 3 rounds with racers having one life per round. Each round ends upon the completion of 5 laps or the last remaining racer.

  • Intentional wrecking is permitted and encouraged. Demo blocking is not permitted.

  • Rounds 1 & 2 will start on the 2nd destination moved and round 3 starts immediately on spawn.

  • Points are scored based on lap completion. 1 lap = 1 point, death = -1 point. Racers can potentially score a maximum 15 points, or -3 points. 

  • The amount of points scored per race attributes to overall standing in a tournament.

  • Season ranking will be based on individual total win percentage from each tournament. Racers will be required to race a minimum of 5 tournaments to be eligible for season ranking.

  • Halo Reach: there are only 3 laps per round (maximum of 6 points) or 2 points per lap and there are no points lost for dying. If everyone dies on the first lap then 1 point is deducted from the person that went through the checkpoint first.



  • Remain idle until official start, no false starting.

  • Demo blocking will not be tolerated.

  • No going backwards on the track unless it is to make a section that requires speed. In this case, stay to the side to avoid causing any wrecks until racers have passed.

  • Cheating or detrimentally disrupting the tournament will not be tolerated.

  • Racers who lose their mongoose from the result of a crash must not interfere with the race. They may look at the spawn to see if a new mongoose has spawned. If so, they may head back to the spawn to retrieve a new mongoose.. If there are no mongooses available then they must jump off the map as if they were dead.

  • No excessive griefing or trolling, play nice. 

  • No killing other racers.

  • Permitted tactics: Break checking, shield door checking, running other racers off the map, Wait checking (you may wait for a racer to come back around so that you can take them out). You still need to have progressed on the map, you cannot sit in the same spot waiting for them.




  • An intentional false start will result in a -1 from your total points and will be called by the discretion of the host.

  • Automatic disqualification from the tournament, victim compensation and possible ban from future events.

  • Race interference will result in a -1 from your total points and will be called by the discretion of the host.

  • The racer will receive firm penalties deemed suitable by the host or tournament dismissal, if necessary.



  • In the event a racer scores a 'double point', they're expected to stop at the destination and then rejoin the race where they were theoretically positioned before receiving their double point. Double points act as by-laps.

  • In the event the lobby experiences significant connection issues, the host will restart the round.

  • In the event a racer disconnects after 3 laps of the race being completed, their score will freeze for the round.

  • Participants who start and quit for any reason, forfeit and receive last overall for the tournament, with their scoring counting towards the leaderboard.

  • Any participant who believes a fellow racer is legitimately cheating is expected to notify the host immediately.

  • In the event there is a tie at the end of a tournament, the tournament will continue until one participant becomes the winner.



All tracks can be found on the HTHardcore profile fileshare or via this link: HT Hardcore Files.



  • xDangles25x

  • Nukedlcecream

Edited by xDangles25x

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