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Avalanche Forging Contest Voting!

15 posts in this topic



We have reached the community voting portion of the Avalanche Forging Contest! Forgers have spent the last month working on their creations and now is time for you to start picking them apart and deciding on which maps will be your top picks. 

Voting Instructions, Specifics, and Rules

  • To vote, reply to this topic with your top 3 favourite maps out of the 8 submissions, in the order of preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd).
  • Each 1st place vote will give a map 3 points, a second will give 2 points, and a third will give 1 point.
  • The total of all the points at the end of the voting will determine the placement of maps.
  • You may not vote for your own map, although people who submitted maps are encouraged to vote.
  • You must vote for exactly 3 maps.
  • You may not change your vote after voting.
  • You are not allowed to encourage or pressure others to vote for a certain track or do anything else to rig the results.
  • Due to complications with some maps being locked to PC, I will be uploading 10 lap previews of each track to give xbox users a chance to vote for all maps. A playlist of all the map previews can be found here: Youtube Playlist
  • PC Users can download all of the maps for voting here: Onedrive Folder
  • Maps created on xbox can be found on NukedLceCream's fileshare.

1st Place: 200 HT Points, Youtube feature on NukedLceCream's channel in the quality of that era, TBD
2nd Place: Pride that you made a solid Halo 3 map
3rd Place: Pride that you made a solid Halo 3 map


Meliora by xDangles25x (Xbox)

Whitehorse MX by Populare (PC)

Glaciation by NukedlceCream (PC)

Frostbound by IceyOtt3700 (PC)

Tsavo Redux by Sir Shivershaft (Xbox)

Rotundra by SXR Wahrheit (PC)

Tire and Ice by SeanAxxx (PC)

Straights MX by purpledinosaur0 (Xbox)

Members Who Have Voted

  • NukedlceCream
  • SeanAxxx
  • Populare
  • IceyOtter
  • xDangles25x
  • whizpop
  • Jake Bobius
  • Kenjamin1 MI
  • Mrs StarStrukk
  • UltimaNylocke
  • Em0
  • Camonized
  • Kat2BKittnMe

Current Map Scores

  • Whitehorse MX - 12
  • Tsavo Redux - 12
  • Glaciation - 12
  • Tire and Ice - 9
  • Straights MX - 14
  • Meliora - 13
  • Frostbound - 5
  • Rotundra - 1

(Scores will be double checked when deadline is reached in case of any errors)

Last Updated
Kat2BKittnMe's Vote

Sunday, September 6th, 2020, 11:59PM EST

My Vote
1st - Straights MX
2nd - Tire and Ice
3rd - Whitehorse MX
Close honourable mention - Tsavo Redux

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1. Frostbound - I just liked how this raced a lot and has a good flow. Lots of passing opportunity and a fair balance of ground/sky.

2. Meliora - Same application as above. I'm a fan of xbox tracks so i felt obligated to place this higher as a result. really cool jumps. The only reason it didn't get 1st is that it felt a bit long for a 10 lap run and the opening right side didnt flow as good as the left side did. 

3. Tire And Ice - I dig the skytracks element more. immediate bias, however this being said it didn't flow as cool as it looks in the early banks of the track. Definitely well forged and I'm extremely critical of forge cleanliness in the PC environment. 

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1 Meliora

2 Frostbound

3 Rotundra

Did my voting based on who was able to utilize both sides of the map the best, followed by the quality.

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Gold: Whitehorse MX - Very fun MX track and quite beautifully Forged.

Silver: Straights MX - Another fun MX track that's well Forged.

Bronze: Meliora - Nicely Forged and very fun with lots of great jumps.

HM1: Tsavo Redux - Aesthetically really cool and fast paced.

HM2: Rotundra - Fun and creative Terrain-Hybrid track with lots to like.

Great contest with great maps overall!

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