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Kenjamin1 MI

Rocket Race - do we agree?

42 posts in this topic

OK, I have watched the stream video and you are right, with one or two more teams, that would have been too much. So, let's say Bottomless Clip is a fun option for parties smaller than 8. "option"

I posted complete stream footage for both the FEB and JUNE tournaments - *added some mood music to the first match of the June event... 




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If the Halo 5 population and activity weren't so slow right now, I'd just post a RR Tourney and you'd all sign-up.

But, I'll ask... Do we want to have another?? I only had 3 teams attend the last one.

I'd Host another, comment if you are interested. Thanks!

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OK... me and you chief... 

Five of the best maps we've used in previous Tournament Events (Feb. & June). It would be great to have 5 or 6 Teams for this!!! 

1. Deadlock RR

2. FW Canyon RR ...modified since last time.

3. Ridgeline Rocket Race

4. Avalanche RR


Team with the highest total points/checkpoints is the winner.

Give me some input on WHEN I should do this. Night-Day? Weekend? ...It will need to be before mid-dec., ...?

Edited by Kenjamin1 MI

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Midday during the weekend will give you the best turnout

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Alright then, maybe Dec. 9th or 10th?? I'll start begging my friends and frienemies to attend. The Maps are all avail. in my files and bookmarks if you wanna practice...

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Hey guys. I don't know about middle of the day? Whenever I've set stuff up on a Saturday, usually more people can join in the evenings, just like the weekdays, because of Saturdays being family days and days off where people are often out and about. Regardless, I'm a possible.

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Thanks! @CHa0s, I have a group of UK Rocket Race enthusiasts I hope will attend. I have two "can't make it's" from Australia. I work nights most weekends and I don't want to miss this... It's Rocket Race!!

I have asked some new folks to visit HT and join this conversation. I hope they become HaloTracks members and join us on the 9th! 

The gametype we have agreed to use for Rocket Race in Halo 5: Guardians was conjured by scripting wizard AnonFriction.

Waypoint LINK -

All of the maps we'll use can be found in the HaloTracks Maps Tab above, click the Mayhem icon... Links to the video streams of February's and June's Tournaments are above (in this post thread)

Edited by Kenjamin1 MI

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