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Mon Night! DRL!!! (ORL classics)

13 posts in this topic


ORL Classics, Let's do this! When we think of halo racing, three letters come to mind, ORL!

Next Monday night will feature ORL tracks. A mixture of GP, MT, and SX tracks.

Race dirty on all the tracks you couldn't, join us for some gnarly racing action!

Date: Monday March, 16th @ 8PM eastern

Departure SX by PancakeMuffin

BlackReach Raceway by Darkstar o72

Space Arena MT by Vorck

Gromulen SX by XreignZ

Everland V3 by Unrealiztic

Patante-chouette MT by AMG Carbone


Tournament Rules

On The Track:

- No going backwards on a track, unless it requires you to go in both directions in which case collisions are encouraged.

- No getting off of your mongoose; ever. If you are stuck or flipped by accident, get back onto your mongoose as quickly as possible.

- No using grenades, shooting, or smacking cars if you happen to fall off.

- If you get black screen or bad lag, simply pull off the track or get to the start, and apply the rule for dying or getting stuck (from the KOTH gametype).

- Pushing, shoving, break-checking, tail-whipping, crashing, sandwiching, and any other form of destroying your opponents is allowed and encouraged.

- You may team up with another racer(s) for a short period of time, but long lasting alliances will not be tolerated, including alliances to not wreck each other.

- After you finish the race, you must lineup a short distance after the finish line, to the side of the track.

- No slowing down or wrecking yourself intentionally to let others catch you in order to interfere with those racers.

- No stopping on the track and rejoining the race (unless temporarily, for a legitimate reason, with prior warning to the host.)


- Have fun, be respectful, and be prepared for some of the most fun and intense racing on HT!

Scoring System

1st- 16

2nd- 15

3rd- 14

4th- 13

5th- 12

6th- 11

7th- 10

8th- 9

9th- 8

10th- 7


1. Miss StarStrukk

2. eNJayDizzle

3. BxA Real Deal D

4. MasterKitty17

5. AdamMc66

6. ImSOshiftfaced







Backup Roster:






10 Laps each- ORL Tracks-

Date: Monday March, 16th @ 8PM eastern

Departure SX by PancakeMuffin

BlackReach Raceway by Darkstar o72

Space Arena MT by Vorck

Gromulen SX by XreignZ

Everland V3 by Unrealiztic

Patante-chouette MT by AMG Carbone

Edited by ImSOshiftfaced

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Map list brings back Season 4/5 memories. Also Departure SX's also built by XteignZ BTW.

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Gromulen SX, The first ever track I did an official race on in the ORL.

Sign me up!

No that was that one AX type Roman track on impact.

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No that was that one AX type Roman track on impact.

Oh, I thought this one was the one with rocks twords the end, everyone was talking about how the rocks screwed them and that jump that didn't work for the finish line lol I guess I might be thinking of the wrong track.

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Oh, I thought this one was the one with rocks twords the end, everyone was talking about how the rocks screwed them and that jump that didn't work for the finish line lol I guess I might be thinking of the wrong track.

Yeah Gromulen was just the Erosion track not slotted into the season thanks to tracks like Reaper, Filthy Park, St. Lousi, etc...

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Sign me up and it'll be 12am for those people who haven't put their clocks forward yet.

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