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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Monday (Terrain) Results

2 posts in this topic


March 9th, 2015.

So what we've learned from this tournament is that Cassel is giving Adam's obituary at his funeral. Shift also did a countdown in Spanish. Thanks everyone that came out and raced in the tournament! It was much smoother than last week and much easier for the lobby to have a good time. Turkeyshot got Dirtiest Racer with 7 votes, followed by MasterKitty, Adam, & Grizzlyz who all had 6 votes.

Compass: Cassel choked on the last lap and I was able to pass him for the win. Grizzlyz also lead most of the race and cracked under pressure falling to fourth in the final laps.

Dusty Trail H3: After the first couple corners I made a few passes and ran away with the race. And Adam thought he was going to catch me. :teehee:

Arciform: Camera angles were everyone's undoing on this track, mainly on the first turn and the last tricky turn coming out of the rock arch. I clipped the walls a couple times and wasn't able to catch Cassel.

Cryptum: I had an unfortunate lag spike and crashed into a rock forcing myself out of bounds which cost my a lot of time. Had I not lagged I would've been able to catch Cassel for a close finish. I gave myself last and could've given myself lag-out rule (which would give me second for the race regardless; the race was already halfway done and I was in second at the time uncontested & my worst finish throughout the tournament was second).

Asgard: Tres, dos, uno... VAMINOS!

Fuchsia: Cassel was able to get away early in the opening laps from a couple lag wrecks on me provided by other racers. After I got out of the pack I was able to secure second uncontested the rest of the race.

Race Results:

Compass - Star Cassel shift Grizzlyz kitty turkey furmer adam* (Adam given last for being late.)

Dusty Trail H3 - Star Adam Cassel turkey Grizzlyz shift furmer kitty

Arciform - Cassel star turkey Adam shift Grizzlyz furmer kitty

Cryptum - Cassel ("star*") shift kitty Adam furmer Grizzlyz star turkey* (I would have second if I give myself lag out rule & Turkey was given last since he didn't participate.)

Asgard - star Cassel kitty Adam furmer turkey shift Grizzlyz

Fuchsia - Cassel star shift furmer Adam kitty grizzlyz turkey


1. Casselfied - 92

2. Miss StarStrukk - "93" / 88 (93 is with a lag out rule and would give the tournament win.)

3. ImSOshiftfaced - 76

4. AdamMc66 - 75

5. MasterKitty17 - 69

6. FurmerStorm6403 - 67

6. Turkeyshot98 - 67

8. Itz Grizzlyz - 66

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