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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Postponement

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This isn't the squad shutting down or going to the archives, this is the squad going on more of a hiatus. For several reasons.

First reason is Destiny. One of the most sought games of the year that everyone wants to buy and play, with not very many wanting to hop on Halo; and it'll be this way for awhile even into the release of the MCC.

Second reason is the MCC. With the MCC being an Xbox One exclusive, not everyone will have the money to buy the game itself or the console needed. It's not fair to make an automatic transition and leave the others behind that won't have the access or ability to get the MCC.

Third reason is the general attendance and Halo population. Halo 4 is at the end of its lifespan, maybe even beyond it. It's gotten to where not many people are online or don't even want to play Halo 4 anymore, crushing the attendance of DRL tournaments. It's not as fun as it use to be. And some might say the DRL has become more of a chore rather than a treat.

That being said, the DRL is going on a pretty long hiatus. Season 2 will be postponed for quite some time, with only a casual DRL tournament being held here and there. Were waiting until things settle after the MCC release to make the decision to keep the DRL casual with the occasional tournaments, or push for it to have the seasons we been introducing to the squad.

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DRL never say DIE!!!!!!!!!!

edit: pick-up DRL never sayyyy uh well funk it.... sad to see you go?

Edited by ImSOshiftfaced

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