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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Season 2 Sign Ups

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Season 2 Sign Ups

Season 2 will start August 18th through August 22nd, depending on which divisions you choose to race in.

Signup Format

Drivers can race in any of the available divisions. Keep in mind before you sign up there will be 12 races for each division where you will be asked to show up to at least 7 of those races. Anyways, when you sign up you will state the division that you will be signing up for in this format, with your Xbox Live gamertag.

Miss StarStrukk - Short Tracks, DRL Tracks, Collision Courses.

Okay, now that we have that out of the way its time to announce all of the divisions and specifics to assure a fun, and perfect Season Two.

Short Tracks

Monday's @ 8PM EST [August 18th)

First we have Short Tracks, the most well known racing for lappers galore. Each track consists of many strategic options. Short Tracks will always leave you with someone to battle with on the track.

Division Specifics:

1. Wrecking is allowed.

2. Each race is 30 laps, unless otherwise stated race prior.

3. Race Hosts are Miss StarStrukk & Neudlez.

DRL Tracks

Wednesday's @ 8PM EST (August 20th)

Next, we have DRL Tracks. Many a obstacle plague the tracks. Pitfalls, traps, cross-jumps, and much more. These are tracks where friendships will end and enemies will be made.

Division Specifics:

1. Wrecking is allowed.

2. Each race is 20 laps, unless otherwise stated race prior.

3. Race Hosts are Miss StarStrukk & Neudlez.

Collision Courses

Friday's @ 3PM EST (August 22nd)

Finally, we have Collision Courses. These tracks typically crosses back over itself, ensuring plenty of head-on collisions, position changes, and more. Be sure to wear a seatbelt.

Division Specifics:

1. Wrecking is allowed.

2. Each race is 15 laps, unless otherwise stated race prior.

3. Race Hosts are Miss StarStrukk & HunterUnit751.


Short Tracks:

1. Miss StarStrukk

2. Masterkitty17

3. Neudlez

4. xNJD1x

5. BxA Real Deal D

DRL Tracks:

1. Miss StarStrukk

2. Masterkitty17

3. Neudlez

4. xNJD1x

5. BxA Real Deal D

Collision Courses:

1. Miss StarStrukk

2. xNJD1x

3. HunterUnit751

4. zzSOzz

5. Pandaz 4 Life

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Short tracks and Drl tracks i dont know if i can do collision because its on fridays so ill hold off on signing up for that

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Collision Course startup date I'm assuming should be August 22nd, not the 2nd.

GT: xNJD1x


-Short Tracks

-DRL Tracks

-Collision Courses

*Signing up for all of them so if I can't make one division a certain week, I can always race in the other ones.

**Not exactly sure how many races I'll be able to attend for each of the divisions.

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I might sign up but I don't think it would be a good idea considering it is run by the 3 people who hate me the most...

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I might sign up but I don't think it would be a good idea considering it is run by the 3 people who hate me the most...

Sign up anyways. Doesn't mean you can't race.

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Sign up anyways. Doesn't mean you can't race.

I know but it might create some problems. Whatever, sign me up for the 3 divisions.

Edited by TheOffice1808

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Because zzSOzz and Pandaz 4 Life don't have accounts (or Snoz does but it doesn't work), sign them up for collision

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