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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Season 1 Leaderboard

25 posts in this topic

Hello everyone! DemoTrtl is suppose to be our main leaderboard upkeep, but since he has school related things going on I'll be stepping in to give regular updates when I can. My leaderboard may not be shiny but it has toast, and toast is just as important.

This is the official leaderboard for Season 1 of the Dirty Racing League! You will get to see how you rank against other members, as well as see a small variety of stats from this season. Please leave any feedback or comments on the leaderboard below! (Any comments unrelated to the leaderboard or positions will be removed without warning, please keep them appropriate.)

Welcome to the first official season of the Dirty Racing League! This season will be epic, it will be very magical, and it'll be filled with hot toasted action. If you're ready to take part in an awesome journey for a new era of the Dirty Racing League, then strap in tight and get ready to start wrecking havoc on the track! Also don't forget to wear your seatbelt.

Final Update:

It's slightly overdue but the last update is here. The season; it is said, and it is done. The leaderboard is final, & the positions are solidified! Miss StarStrukk with a perfect season, takes the season's golden crown. The always slippery Sodapop Remix takes home the silver trophy with a perfect seven tournament wins, while Bean05 gets the purty bronze medal. Although neudlez and HunterUnit751 are tied in points, because he has that tournament win HunterUnit doesn't, neudlez gets fourth place over HunterUnit while he is handed fifth. TheOffice1808 is just chillaxing out of the top 5 in sixth. The two biggest surprises of the season, two of our residential racers in the top 10. ImSObadatracing takes seventh & zzSOzz takes eighth. Making a return at the end of the season to take back his rightful top 10 position, impROBable takes ninth. BxA Real Deal smoove moves and his lag round out the top 10.

The Dirtiest Champion title, can't forget that. Miss StarStrukk also claims Dirtiest Champion with a total of 7 Dirtiest Racers on the season. The next two racers closest, were impROBable with 4 and zzSOzz with 3.

It's been a season to rule them all. It's held some great battles on the track, crazy wrecks by everyone, and fun times throughout. Hopefully we see a larger turnout and more of the same racers from this season, in season 2!


DRL Season 1 Leaderboard

* "Season Points" takes your combined total of your top 7 finishes and your DR points.

* "Racer Points" takes your top 7 tournament finishes out of the total you've competed in.

* "DR Points" is how many Dirtiest Racer awards you've earned across the season up to 7 max, with each one granting +3 points.

* "Tournament Podiums" is the amount of 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place tournament finishes across the entire season.

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Leaderboard Changes:

- First, second, & third on the leaderboard are now indicated by gold, silver, & bronze.

- The Season Points column is now under a black background to show that, that's how your position is currently awarded to you.

- Tournaments Won has been changed to Tournament Podiums.

Week 3 Update:

Another roadblock in the long journey has been passed. Miss StarStrukk remains largely unchallenged in first place with a significant lead over second. Surprisingly, neudlez has jumped to second place over Unrealiztic as he is just ahead by a single point! xSODAPOP 13x having two tournament wins on his season debut lands on the leaderboard joint fourth with TheOffice1808. impROBable has fallen to sixth place with a bad finish but with another DR he's keeping up with the pack. Remaining in seventh, imSOshiftfaced has tied with NukedlceCream who broke his joint nineth with Bean05. Gaining a position, HunterUnit751 lands himself in the top 10 to round it out.

Leaderboard Movements:

Unrealiztic: 2 -> 3

Neudlez: 3 -> 2

impROBable: 4 -> 6

Masta Hippie: 5 -> 12

TheOffice1808: 5 -> 4


NukedlceCream: 9 -> 7

HunterUnit751: 11 -> 10

A rabid tourist: 12 -> 15

King Edward I: 12 -> 15

DemoTrtl: 14 -> 18

UD ARMYFLASH: 14 -> 18

PixelGamingHD: 14 -> 18

Wolf 8499: 17 -> 18

Shazzle4: 17 -> 11

zzSOzz: 19 -> 15

BxA Real Deal D: 19 -> 14

Lazy Algorithm: 19 -> 22

AlexJ189: 22 -> 23

Lets not forget xSODAPOP 13x, C4M3R0N B3CK, & radicalm3at who've joined us on the leaderboard this week!

Its still a long ways away as we continue to wind down to the epic conclusion of Season 1. There's been alot of leaderboard movement, as well as a few newcomers who're seeking to claim the title of champion and the coveted toast trophy. Many of these contenders are aiming to make a statement next week, improving their standings further solidifying their goal. Are you?

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Hey icy, seeing as your best 7 is taken what if there is a toe for DR. Will you then use a different method like a percentage of DR's to tournaments?

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Hey icy, seeing as your best 7 is taken what if there is a toe for DR. Will you then use a different method like a percentage of DR's to tournaments?

Are you asking about a tie for DR in a tournament or season points?

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Are you asking about a tie for DR in a tournament or season points?

season points, seeing as right now you and i both have 6 points but you have 5 tourneys and i only have 2.

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At the end of a season if there is a tie in DR points, provided the people in the tie haven't hit the max DR points, then the tie will be broken by highest average in votes across the season which will be used to determine 'Dirtiest Champion' if that's what you're asking. The same would be done if any amount of ppl involved hit the max DR points and tied for most DRs.

Otherwise if a tie resulted in overall season points it'd be decided by most tournament wins, then race wins, then highest average position.

If this doesn't answer your question, then I'm afraid I don't really understand it. :/

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Added a banner to the leaderboard. Made the podiums column more organized and easier to follow. Also changed the coloring up on the body so that all the red colors running around no longer brutally rapes your eyes.

Next update to come after Mondays tournament.

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