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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Season Points-Leaderboard Example & Discussion

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How will you know if something will or won't work unless you even try it? Were going with the current system we have in place. This is final. We appreciate the feedback and these matters will be looked into for future adjustment (if need be).

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As I said, I've already tried to but I already explained why it didn't work in my wall of text. And if you're referencing to me calling the DR voting system a little broken, that's fully explained as well.

And as I also said, I'm fine with you going with this system.

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As I said, I've already tried to but I already explained why it didn't work in my wall of text. And if you're referencing to me calling the DR voting system a little broken, that's fully explained as well.

And as I also said, I'm fine with you going with this system.

Who said you were being referenced? Were using the system we have in place. Not saying anyone doesn't have the right to criticism on topics, but this thread was to help people understand the system were using not create a huge debate, on which it has become.

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Notice how the only people opposed to this system are try-hard racers, everyone else who likes to race well AND dirty (such as Bean and Star, and myself, all whom have done well and won tournaments and are also some of the dirtiest racers around) like it. In the DIRTY Racing League racing DIRTY is just as important, believe it or not, as racing WELL (try-hardish).

If someone is butt-hurt by this system, they are a clean try-hard racer, and should just race a different league. In the ONE league where dirty racing is allowed and encouraged, the dirty racing might as well count. If you don't like it counting, then race in any other racing league out there where you can race clean and fast and try super hard and pretend you're racing for a real medal.

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Notice how the only people opposed to this system are try-hard racers, everyone else who likes to race well AND dirty (such as Bean and Star, and myself, all whom have done well and won tournaments and are also some of the dirtiest racers around) like it. In the DIRTY Racing League racing DIRTY is just as important, believe it or not, as racing WELL (try-hardish).

If someone is butt-hurt by this system, they are a clean try-hard racer, and should just race a different league. In the ONE league where dirty racing is allowed and encouraged, the dirty racing might as well count. If you don't like it counting, then race in any other racing league out there where you can race clean and fast and try super hard and pretend you're racing for a real medal.

No offence cookie but it sounds like your pretty butt-hurt by the "try-hard" racers opinions. I appreciate you giving feedback on the thread but there is no reason to be childish on here. You are discouraging racers to race in the league that YOU started, Isn't it a goal to get as many people racing and having fun in the league as possible, I know that's the case for HTGP. The DRL has grown to be a pretty competitive league and I know that most people try to win when they enter a tournament. The Dirtiest racer award is cool and it is always nice to get it but its not the man objective in my opinion. I know before the dirtiest racer award was introduced (by bean) the DRL's only real objective was to win. Also why are you so concerned with this new system if your not going to race anyways?

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No offence cookie but it sounds like your pretty butt-hurt by the "try-hard" racers opinions. I appreciate you giving feedback on the thread but there is no reason to be childish on here. You are discouraging racers to race in the league that YOU started, Isn't it a goal to get as many people racing and having fun in the league as possible, I know that's the case for HTGP. The DRL has grown to be a pretty competitive league and I know that most people try to win when they enter a tournament. The Dirtiest racer award is cool and it is always nice to get it but its not the man objective in my opinion. I know before the dirtiest racer award was introduced (by bean) the DRL's only real objective was to win. Also why are you so concerned with this new system if your not going to race anyways?

I have been reading most of this but I haven't given much input onto the various subjects. I agree with a lot of the things RealDeal has said. I personally feel that the tournament points shouldn't be a 10/10 split between tournament placing and DR placing. I feel it should be more of a inclination toward the racing side as that is the general focus of the squad. I agree the point is to be dirty but I feel that should come second to the racing portion. I'm not sure how to balance it in the current system of points as the kind of split between the two that I feel is good would be a 13/7 split in favour of tournament placing. I feel something like this is good as it makes the majority of the points from your racing skill but also adds a bonus for being dirty while you do it. Of course 13/7 wouldn't be the exact balance but it would be in that general idea. I like this balance as it doesn't give the dirty driver that is constatly finishing below the mid an overall tournent victory as they weren't the best driver. It also gives the fast driver who didn't see that many people on a few races a chance as well because they won't be totally screwed by their DR votes. For an example on this say racer "a" comes first overall in the tourament but near last in DR. A second racer "b" gets mid range but wins DR. In the current system this would give driver A around 13 points and driver B around 15 points. I dont feel the driver who isn't that fast and just crashes into others to hold them back with them should earn a tournament victory. In my theoretical system driver A would get around say 15 points from winning and driver B would get around 12 or 13. This would put then close but still behind the better driver.

Sorry for typing this mammoth but I just had to get all my ideas out there as I haven't imputed at all throughout this whole concept.

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I have been reading most of this but I haven't given much input onto the various subjects. I agree with a lot of the things RealDeal has said. I personally feel that the tournament points shouldn't be a 10/10 split between tournament placing and DR placing. I feel it should be more of a inclination toward the racing side as that is the general focus of the squad. I agree the point is to be dirty but I feel that should come second to the racing portion. I'm not sure how to balance it in the current system of points as the kind of split between the two that I feel is good would be a 13/7 split in favour of tournament placing. I feel something like this is good as it makes the majority of the points from your racing skill but also adds a bonus for being dirty while you do it. Of course 13/7 wouldn't be the exact balance but it would be in that general idea. I like this balance as it doesn't give the dirty driver that is constatly finishing below the mid an overall tournent victory as they weren't the best driver. It also gives the fast driver who didn't see that many people on a few races a chance as well because they won't be totally screwed by their DR votes. For an example on this say racer "a" comes first overall in the tourament but near last in DR. A second racer "b" gets mid range but wins DR. In the current system this would give driver A around 13 points and driver B around 15 points. I dont feel the driver who isn't that fast and just crashes into others to hold them back with them should earn a tournament victory. In my theoretical system driver A would get around say 15 points from winning and driver B would get around 12 or 13. This would put then close but still behind the better driver.

Sorry for typing this mammoth but I just had to get all my ideas out there as I haven't imputed at all throughout this whole concept.

I agree with this idea and sorry Star but you are kinda outnumbered here.

And with what Cassel said you shouldn't wait until next season to make changes, you should make them NOW.

Also I don't know if you are the owner of the DRL or not now Star but for myself being I host I believe that this change needs to be considered with all of the hosts, not just you making a final decision.

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No offence cookie but it sounds like your pretty butt-hurt by the "try-hard" racers opinions. I appreciate you giving feedback on the thread but there is no reason to be childish on here. You are discouraging racers to race in the league that YOU started, Isn't it a goal to get as many people racing and having fun in the league as possible, I know that's the case for HTGP. The DRL has grown to be a pretty competitive league and I know that most people try to win when they enter a tournament. The Dirtiest racer award is cool and it is always nice to get it but its not the man objective in my opinion. I know before the dirtiest racer award was introduced (by bean) the DRL's only real objective was to win. Also why are you so concerned with this new system if your not going to race anyways?

Who are you to say that I won't be racing in the league? And of course the objective is to get as many people to join, hence why the DRL has more people signed up that any other racing squad or league in Halo. But if we let all of those people completely change what the DRL is all about, then it's no longer the DRL at all, it's just another RL like all the rest. The "D" is what defines the "DRL". And no, winning wasn't all that mattered, I easily could have done WAY better than I did OFTEN, but would go FAR out of my way to wreck people and start pileups, putting myself way back in the pack.

I am not butt-hurt at all Real Deal, I just hate when people complain about the fact that racing DIRTY is important in the DIRTY Racing League. I'd rather not have haters of the league racing IN the league, which is why I'm saying they can go race elsewhere. If getting dirtiest racer isn't your main objective, and lagging is instead, that's your choice, but the goal in the DRL is to have fun and to try hard enough to be competitive, but to focus mostly on racing dirty.

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It was never said I was the owner of the DRL. It just seems that way, with how I've been posting things.

This topic is open for discussion in the Filthy Leaders message Office. Give your say on the matter.

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