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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Season Points-Leaderboard Example & Discussion

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Ok let me put my two cents in here. I like this system but I think it should be a little different. I agree that dirty driving should be encouraged and rewarded, this is the Dirty Racing League. But when you reward racing equally to being dirty, it takes away the incentive to perform. I won't be going max speed and being dirty like usual, but I'll just chill in a pack and be a dirty beach with an above average result. I think that dirtiest racer should receive 6 points or something, instead being equal with 10 to the race winner. I don't think it's fair at all to reward someone that's at the back of the pack on purpose just wrecking the leaders when they try to lap that person. If the points for dirtiest racer are put down a little, there will still be incentive to be dirty. I would happily take a fifth place if it still means I will earn or be close to earning those (Just an example number of points) 6 points for dirtiest driver. I just think it would result into being a wreck-fest where people don't even try to race. Is that really what this squad is about? Of course you want dirty racing, but I don't think that should be above or equal to the racing results. Not just saying this because it would favor someone like me.

Which brings me to another point. I know there's a new rule where hosts might review dirtiest racer votes etc. But that certainly won't solve anything. It's usually rare to be wrecked by only one person in a race unless you make it out of the start fast and only have one other person with you. There's plenty of times where I feel like I was most definitely the dirtiest driver to someone, but then they wouldn't give the vote to me. Just because another person may have wrecked them once while I destroyed that person more than twice. You wanna know why? "OMG IT'S GOGETA, F HIM, HE ALREADY WINS EVERYTHING." That voter could argue they deem to single wreck to be more violent, even though it might not be at all. The dirtiest racer voting system is way too much of an "I like you and I want to see you get dirtiest driver instead of this guy who will win the tournament anyways-contest." Now don't bring up people like Bean and Whiskey. They're both one of the fastest drivers we've ever seen in the squad, and also earned some dirtiest driver awards while being at the top of the tournament. But they're them, they didn't get the hey that's that gogeta bitch reputation. Nobody minds seeing them win dirtiest driver, even though they win tournaments often. But people do mind if they see people like me win a tournament and they refuse to vote for someone like me. I don't mind that reputation at all and I see it kind of a fun joke that started a long time ago. But there's definitely some similar reputations for other people that have the same effect. I feel like people would only vote for someone like me if we're good Xbox friends. I almost never saw someone that knows me etc. but also has knowledge of my reputation vote for me as dirtiest driver, even though I clearly deserved it. Now don't be a beach and say; "Wow Gogeta you're just like Cassel posting something like this." This is critique, and critique is what helps squads and people (What people often also don't understand is that Cassel is just actually trying to help lol.)

What it comes down to is this;

- Dirty driving should be rewarded less than performance imo

- People are biased with DR voting, which makes the system a little broken.

Ps. I just thought of another thing. You as a racer are basically in control of someone else's points with the DR voting. I could definitely see a lot of people take advantage of this and not vote someone dirtiest racer because that would cause in them finishing ahead of them in the season. It's just that you can't really trust people with this.

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Ok let me put my two cents in here. I like this system but I think it should be a little different. I agree that dirty driving should be encouraged and rewarded, this is the Dirty Racing League. But when you reward racing equally to being dirty, it takes away the incentive to perform. I won't be going max speed and being dirty like usual, but I'll just chill in a pack and be a dirty beach with an above average result. I think that dirtiest racer should receive 6 points or something, instead being equal with 10 to the race winner. I don't think it's fair at all to reward someone that's at the back of the pack on purpose just wrecking the leaders when they try to lap that person. If the points for dirtiest racer are put down a little, there will still be incentive to be dirty. I would happily take a fifth place if it still means I will earn or be close to earning those (Just an example number of points) 6 points for dirtiest driver. I just think it would result into being a wreck-fest where people don't even try to race. Is that really what this squad is about? Of course you want dirty racing, but I don't think that should be above or equal to the racing results. Not just saying this because it would favor someone like me.

Which brings me to another point. I know there's a new rule where hosts might review dirtiest racer votes etc. But that certainly won't solve anything. It's usually rare to be wrecked by only one person in a race unless you make it out of the start fast and only have one other person with you. There's plenty of times where I feel like I was most definitely the dirtiest driver to someone, but then they wouldn't give the vote to me. Just because another person may have wrecked them once while I destroyed that person more than twice. You wanna know why? "OMG IT'S GOGETA, F HIM, HE ALREADY WINS EVERYTHING." That voter could argue they deem to single wreck to be more violent, even though it might not be at all. The dirtiest racer voting system is way too much of an "I like you and I want to see you get dirtiest driver instead of this guy who will win the tournament anyways-contest." Now don't bring up people like Bean and Whiskey. They're both one of the fastest drivers we've ever seen in the squad, and also earned some dirtiest driver awards while being at the top of the tournament. But they're them, they didn't get the hey that's that gogeta bitch reputation. Nobody minds seeing them win dirtiest driver, even though they win tournaments often. But people do mind if they see people like me win a tournament and they refuse to vote for someone like me. I don't mind that reputation at all and I see it kind of a fun joke that started a long time ago. But there's definitely some similar reputations for other people that have the same effect. I feel like people would only vote for someone like me if we're good Xbox friends. I almost never saw someone that knows me etc. but also has knowledge of my reputation vote for me as dirtiest driver, even though I clearly deserved it. Now don't be a beach and say; "Wow Gogeta you're just like Cassel posting something like this." This is critique, and critique is what helps squads and people (What people often also don't understand is that Cassel is just actually trying to help lol.)

What it comes down to is this;

- Dirty driving should be rewarded less than performance imo

- People are biased with DR voting, which makes the system a little broken.

Ps. I just thought of another thing. You as a racer are basically in control of someone else's points with the DR voting. I could definitely see a lot of people take advantage of this and not vote someone dirtiest racer because that would cause in them finishing ahead of them in the season. It's just that you can't really trust people with this.

^This :D

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If being rewarded too much for dirty driving turns out to be too much, it's something we can change next season or down the line if need be. For now we will stick with the current system.

We already thought of that gogeta while implementing this system. Which is why we're putting the rule in of being able to question racers if being deemed to be untruthful about their votes.

I agree with you about it being OMGZ HES MY FRIEND IM VOTING FOR HIM, or WELL HES IN THE LOBBY I CANT WIN THE TOURNAMENT NOW, to an extent. My response to that is, anyone is beatable. I beat Sodapop in a tournament recently, and I've beaten Rob for Dirtiest Racer a couple of times. All it takes is getting better with a bit of practice, and attempting to be more dirty. Maybe one day I'll be able to beat Sodapop on a SX map. :p

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I know I may be permabanned from this, but I would like to offer my constructive criticism anyway. I'll be brief.

With you guys doing your first "competitive" season, you guys have a cool system going. However, I skimmed over a few responses and even read Gogeta's wall of text. I have to say I agree with RealDeal, NJD, and Gogeta. What I recommend is to keep the points system for Dirtiest Racer and the Racer standings the same, but to keep them separate from each other. The racing standing will be its own championship, as will the dirtiest racer championship. This will keep both competitive and casual racers happy. If you have them interfere with each other, it will make it more frustrating for the competitive racers and it would aggravate the hosts because the competitive racers are mad and the casuals don't like moaning aaaannnd dfdjasugasudbgh ijnkadsfhijknvgm,alh...

I know you guys want to keep the whole "its the DRL" thing by promoting wrecking, which is fine. But there is a time where you need to draw the line when it becomes more about wrecking than actually racing. While wrecking is a tradition in the DRL, tradition isn't always justifiable or fair, since you can make anything into tradition. Because you guys are doing a competitive season, you have to use competitive settings, otherwise it defeats the whole purpose of it being competitive.

Edited by Cassel

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You have a valid point Cassel. It's definitely something we can try next season. I wouldn't change it now, to what you suggested as the season starts around the corner. But definitely a possibility for the next season. We have an award already in place called Dirtiest Champion, which I coined myself. That could actually be a good idea to use that for your suggestion for the next season.

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The whole point anybody in this thread is giving criticism is because they want this current season to be good, not the "next season". That defeats the whole purpose of anybody giving their feedback if its going to get pushed away until a future season. People will worry about the next season when the next season comes. You have the present issues still on your plate.

You have the power to change it. Trust me, do it properly the first time. I may not be welcomed in this league anymore, but I still wish for a fair game for everybody, regardless if I'm not racing in it.

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I don´t really see how the anyone is beatable thing is even relevant here though. That is true for sure because it´s the DRL and you can easily win over the better racer in a certain category. I just don´t see that solving people basically not giving other people points to beat said person. And attempting to be more dirty for someone like me doesn´t help. Been there, done that. Didn´t really help, as you can see from my wall of text.

Oh and I already explained in my wall of text that that new rule about debating dirtiest racer votes still makes it broken.

I´m good with the season being like this and I´ll still consider showing up. It´s just that I don´t know if I´ll have the time, I´d love to show up.

Edited by gogetarulez

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