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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Season Points-Leaderboard Example & Discussion

89 posts in this topic

"Agressive Racing" I think would fit the term here more than anything. It's far from dirty and far from clean.

No, it's basically just the DRL. Look at the DRL members list, there is a stat kept of those who have both won a tournament and been voted dirtiest racer. It's easy to race well and dirty, and that's what this is based on.

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Small issue: The attention span of drivers in a sprint-like racing environment to remember a wreck early in the race is slim-to-none, I mean, unless you take out 1/2-3/4 of the field. :p

I wouldn't consider it a problem just memory loss I guess, but people have problems remembering who wrecked them at the end of a race too. So I would say if you can't remember who wrecked you it's your fault. :p

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I wouldn't consider it a problem just memory loss I guess, but people have problems remembering who wrecked them at the end of a race too. So I would say if you can't remember who wrecked you it's your fault. :p

And that's why 343 gave us "colour schemes" :D

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And that's why 343 gave us "colour schemes" :D

I can't remember who wrecked me. It was the green guy. *3 of them in the lobby* :p

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I can't remember who wrecked me. It was the green guy. *3 of them in the lobby* :p

You can't beat stubborn, Star, but I admire your efforts.

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I can't remember who wrecked me. It was the green guy. *3 of them in the lobby* :p

Green? There's usually at least 3 pinks in lobby's. Damn Main Event Guaranteed :p

I don't see a problem with this, we have more than enough tournaments where first place has also grabbed dirtiest racer. Going through my old results, I had it happen five times in tournaments I've hosted. Increase that to eight if you include people in the top three that have won it.

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Any particular reason why? Does it not seem fair to you?

It seems alright, I feel like being dirty should count for a little less. I mean If I win the tournament and I get 1 vote for DR then I could be getting beat by a lot of points to someone who did well and got a lot of votes at then end of the tournament. I also don't really trust people with voting sometimes because they they don't vote for you because you ruined their race. This is just my opinion I am not really asking you to change the system, this is just my 2 cents :)

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It seems alright, I feel like being dirty should count for a little less. I mean If I win the tournament and I get 1 vote for DR then I could be getting beat by a lot of points to someone who did well and got a lot of votes at then end of the tournament. I also don't really trust people with voting sometimes because they they don't vote for you because you ruined their race. This is just my opinion I am not really asking you to change the system, this is just my 2 cents :)

Yeah we want to put the Dirty back into Dirty Racing League, and make it a large part of the races, so you will have to be dirty to do well. For example, in Friday's tournaments, Soda (1st place in races, last in DR) would've got the same number of points as Snozz (last place in races, 1st in DR), and that's what we want; people need to be both fast and dirty to do well.

Also, don't worry about the votes. We're implementing a rule where the hosts can check with someone about their vote if someone claims they are not being truthful.

Thanks for your feedback, we do appreciate it while we are making these big changes. If it does turn out that, for example, being dirty counts for too much, we will be open for change in the future if necessary, but for now we're going to try this :D

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