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Mrs StarStrukk

Dirty Racing League - Season 1

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Bringing you the magical giggling fun right here on HaloTracks, its Season 24... Season 1 of the DRL!

Get Hype!

After much debating and carefully thought questions and answers, the hosts of the Dirty Racing League are bringing to HaloTracks the first ever season of the DRL! In order to be apart of the season, you just have to sign up and participate in DRL tournaments like normally! :)

Why Is This?

The hosts were wanting to make the DRL more competitive, and bring around more activity. We thought what better way to do this than make the DRL season-oriented! It will bring more excitement, more entertainment, and more super sexy action than ever before!

How The Season Works

The season will consist of 12 weeks during the regular season, with week 13 being the championship tournament. Those that earn championship eligibility will be rewarded after the season ends based on finishing positions. There is also a new addition to the DRL coming with the season, coined by Miss StarStrukk as Dirtiest Champion. Earning this title is quite simple but yet very difficult, you must have earned the most Dirtiest Racers during the course of the entire season. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by highest average of Dirty Racer votes. In regards to leaderboards and how you earn your placements further information can be found below.

Dates & Times

The season will officially during the 4th and 5th of April 2014. There will be two tournaments a week, one on Friday & one on Saturday. Friday tournaments will take place at 3:00PM EST while Saturday tournaments will take place at 8:00PM EST.

That said, Office will be your Saturday host but he has said he knows he won't be available each Saturday so we are looking for a Saturday co-host for Office. If interested, please message any of the following: Miss StarStrukk, DemoTrtl, HunterUnit751, or TheOffice1808.

The Leaderboard & Points System

This is the points system, crafted by the magical Bean05, we will use during the course of the season. The leaderboard upkeep will be handled by DemoTrtl primarily.

These points are based on finishing tournament and Dirtiest Racer positions.

Tournament Standings:

1st- 10

2nd- 9

3rd- 8

4th- 7

5th- 6

6th- 5

7th- 4

8th- 3

9th- 2

10th- 1

Dirtiest Racer Standings:

1st- 10

2nd- 9

3rd- 8

4th- 7

5th- 6

6th- 5

7th- 4

8th- 3

9th- 2

10th- 1

E.G.: Say you got 3rd in tournament standings and 6th in Dirtiest Racer standings. You would earn a points total of 13 from the tournament.

The maximum you can earn from a single tournament is 20 points, with a minimum possible of 2 points. The leaderboard will take your 7 best finishes out of a possible 24 tournaments. So if you happen to have a bad tournament, fear not, for you will be able to replace that bad finish! The Top 10 racers on the leaderboard after week 12 will earn championship eligibility on week 13. However, in order to initially become championship eligible you must participate in a minimum benchmark of 7 tournaments during the season. For example, if you can only attend Friday tournaments during the season; there are 12 of them total, meaning you can miss 5 of them trying to hit your benchmark of 7 tournaments.

Rules & 2nd Priority Enforcement

With the DRL becoming season-oriented, Bean05 made a valid point that rules and second priority racers will need to be alot more enforced, and so they shall be. We will be watching. :ninja:

Minimum Racer Cap

For those that don't know, the original racer count to start a tournament in the DRL was 8. With the DRL becoming season-oriented, Miss StarStrukk made a point about if a tournament was shy one or two racers from the usual minimum 8, it wouldn't be fair for the racers that had shown for the tournament not to happen. That being said, the minimum racer count required for a tournament is now lowered to 6.

Dirtiest Racer Voting

Are you infuriated because you didn't receive the vote you thought you deserved for that great wreck off the jump? Hosts now have the ability, if someone thinks they should have received a vote from someone when given to another, to question the racer as to why their vote was given to said racer. However, this will only be done if requested and the host will make a decision accordingly. If nothing is said, the tournament will continue as per normal. The method of gathering votes, will be up to the discretion of the tournament host running the lobby.

Rule Changes

Just in case anyone missed any recent rule changes, here they are.

It has been added that you CAN NOT specifically vote someone for Dirtiest Racer simply because they made the map (unless they actually wrecked you themselves). If you vote someone for Dirtiest Racer for making the map your vote WILL NOT be counted and you will be put down as using one of your two passes available during a tournament.

There has been a rule added regarding lobby atmosphere disruption. If you are screaming at a map being inconsistent or another racer demo blocked you, and feel that a map shouldn't again be used or a problem needs to be rectified, PLEASE post your inquiry in the specific tournament results topic and DO NOT shout or scream at the hosts during a tournament to get our attention.

Season Prizes

Note these prizes are for those who place respectively during the championship tournament and during the regular season.

Regular Season:

1st Place - 750 HT Points, Ultra Super Sexy Userbar

2nd Place - 350 HT Points, Super Sexy Userbar

3rd Place - 200 HT Points, Sexy Userbar

Dirtiest Champion - 500 HT Points, Super Sexy Userbar

Championship Prizes:

1st Place - 250 HT Points, Ultra Super Sexy Userbar

2nd Place - 150 HT Points, Super Sexy Userbar

3rd Place - 100 HT Points, Sexy Userbar

Non Podiums - 25 HT Points, Userbar


We hope all HaloTracks users and others around are excited as the hosts are about the first ever DRL season! Good luck to all who participate and see you all out on the track! :D

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I never did seasons as it wasn't what the DRL was about, it was about people participating when they could and it being just about fun. But it's been over a year straight of that, and it's usually the same people there each week, so this will certainly be a new chapter in the DRL and will be interesting to see how it plays out. Again, thanks to all who help keep this awesome squad going so strongly!

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The DRL becoming season-oriented was an idea initially brought up by Orion, to make the league more competitive and bring around more activity. The problem we saw with the DRL was that it was more casual, and casual gamers tend to move on to other games which make the population dwindle. This certainly will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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What about the tracks? If the DRL is to be more competitive then tight tracks and collision courses should be banned.

Edited by AlexJ189

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I very much do approve of this idea. I do have two points of critique though. Just some points, I'm trying to help, and I do like this idea :D.

The point of a season is to see who is the best racer through all weeks. Let's say you dominate the season, obviously you're viewed as the best racer. But then the championship comes around, and you may have some bad luck etc. Someone else may end up beating you (Keep in mind you won the season in a dominating fashion). That person will be seen as the ultimate season 1 winner, even though they don't deserve it. We've had this discussion a lot in the ORL. It basically came down to that we thought the actual season winner means more than just one championship race/tournament winner. It seems unfair to (possibly) receive something such as 3rd place at the end of the championship even tough you have dominated all season long. Which makes the championship a joke.

Another thing is that I think 7 out of 24 possible tournaments is not a lot. Isn't it very common for someone to win 3 or more tournaments in a row? Someone may just show up 7 weeks and clinch the title with all wins. A side note on that is that you could have three people win 7 tournaments in which they would all place first. How would that be solved?

Hey I like this by the way, and this might mean a comeback for dat lil' bitch.

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I very much do approve of this idea. I do have two points of critique though. Just some points, I'm trying to help, and I do like this idea :D.

The point of a season is to see who is the best racer through all weeks. Let's say you dominate the season, obviously you're viewed as the best racer. But then the championship comes around, and you may have some bad luck etc. Someone else may end up beating you (Keep in mind you won the season in a dominating fashion). That person will be seen as the ultimate season 1 winner, even though they don't deserve it. We've had this discussion a lot in the ORL. It basically came down to that we thought the actual season winner means more than just one championship race/tournament winner. It seems unfair to (possibly) receive something such as 3rd place at the end of the championship even tough you have dominated all season long. Which makes the championship a joke.

Another thing is that I think 7 out of 24 possible tournaments is not a lot. Isn't it very common for someone to win 3 or more tournaments in a row? Someone may just show up 7 weeks and clinch the title with all wins. A side note on that is that you could have three people win 7 tournaments in which they would all place first. How would that be solved?

Hey I like this by the way, and this might mean a comeback for dat lil' bitch.

Thank you for your input Gogeta.

I'll just answer your second point for now. Each tournament win does not grant you say 20 points, it varies with how well you have performed. So if you finished 1st in the race standings and 4th in dirtiest racer, you would score 16 points out of a possible 20. 10 points for 1st in the race standings and 6 points for dirty racing. 16 points would be added to your season total, if you had already completed 7 tournaments then your lowest score would be replaced. 7 tournaments may seem like a low amount but we don't wont to put people off before the season even starts, we also want everyone to have an equal chance. Winning 7 tournaments may not even be enough to clinch the title, you've gotta score as highly as you can each time. You may even have 4 wins and 3 seconds but still win the title over someone with all wins.

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I agree with what Bean said about your 2nd point gogeta and on your 1st point I think I have an idea.

Going into the Championship if you are in 1st on the leaderboard, you get a 3 pt bonus for the tournament. 2nd could get a 2 pt bonus and 3rd a 1 pt bonus going in.

Just an idea, the points don't have to be exactly like how I said in my example.

Edited by TheOffice1808

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The point of a season is to see who is the best racer through all weeks. Let's say you dominate the season, obviously you're viewed as the best racer. But then the championship comes around, and you may have some bad luck etc. Someone else may end up beating you (Keep in mind you won the season in a dominating fashion). That person will be seen as the ultimate season 1 winner, even though they don't deserve it. We've had this discussion a lot in the ORL. It basically came down to that we thought the actual season winner means more than just one championship race/tournament winner. It seems unfair to (possibly) receive something such as 3rd place at the end of the championship even tough you have dominated all season long. Which makes the championship a joke.

Another thing is that I think 7 out of 24 possible tournaments is not a lot. Isn't it very common for someone to win 3 or more tournaments in a row? Someone may just show up 7 weeks and clinch the title with all wins. A side note on that is that you could have three people win 7 tournaments in which they would all place first. How would that be solved?

Hey I like this by the way, and this might mean a comeback for dat lil' bitch.

1.) You do have a valid point, which Bean brought to us and prizes have been adjusted accordingly.

2.) Bean pretty much answered this question

3.) You have evolved into mega ultra bitch.

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Tight tracks and collision courses won't be used during the season's course, if a host forgets during picking a maplist I'll personally tell them to pick a different map.

Well that's pretty much all my maps out of contention for tournament use then, except for Cortex and maybe Concealed (It's classed as a tight track, But to me it feels more like a terrain track with tight sections)

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