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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL Update - 02-13-14

16 posts in this topic

Rule Changes:

- No whining, complaining, excessive ranting or anything else that brings the atmosphere of the lobby down.

- If someone breaks one of the above rules, contact the host in a mature manner via a message after the race, and s/he will review it.

*rest of mic rules*

- Never insult the tracks we use or anything about them, especially if the creator is in the game. If you honestly believe a map used is unsuitable for tournament use, please wait until the host posts his/her tournament result topic and then leave a post maturely explaining why it should be put down as non-recommended.

Tournament Changes:

The European Tues./Mon. tournament will be removed taking place immediately.

The American tournament will be moved to Saturday at 5pm EST, having a host rotation of Office and Orion. And Friday tournaments will remain at 3pm EST, with a host rotation of Mitch, Star, then HunterUnit. This change takes place after Orion hosts Friday tournament #60.

The Reach tournaments for now have an undetermined official time as were trying to figure out a suitable time to get the most participants, so expect the time to bounce around the next couple of tournaments. But they are locked on Thursday, however.

EDIT: Reach tournaments will be alternated between 3PM EST & 6PM EST to give Americans and Europeans a fair chance to participate.

Edited by Miss StarStrukk

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- Never insult the tracks we use or anything about them, especially if the creator is in the game. If you honestly believe a map used is unsuitable for tournament use, please wait until the host posts his/her tournament result topic and then leave a post maturely explaining why it should be put down as non-recommended.

As I always say, if you hate the track(s) and the creator is in the game give them a dirty racer vote for making the track(s). I think I did that for Bean when we raced Arena SX that one time. The track screwed me over more than anything else.

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As I always say, if you hate the track(s) and the creator is in the game give them a dirty racer vote for making the track(s). I think I did that for Bean when we raced Arena SX that one time. The track screwed me over more than anything else.

- Wrecks and general dirty driving performed on you.

- Wrecks and general dirty driving performed on others that you witnessed.

- NOT who asked for it the most.

- NOT who promised you all their HT points.

- NOT your bestest buddy (unless they've been dirty).

So unless Bean was actually dirty that race to you or someone else you saw, you technically passed. :p

Put the DRL Reach one's right before the ORL Reach races on Thurdays at 8:00 ET

Well were trying to be fair for Europeans and Americans when it comes to this so everyone gets a chance. But I had brought up the idea of alternating the times between 3pm est and 6pm est.

Edited by Miss StarStrukk

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As I always say, if you hate the track(s) and the creator is in the game give them a dirty racer vote for making the track(s). I think I did that for Bean when we raced Arena SX that one time. The track screwed me over more than anything else.

That's actually against not allowed for a Dirtiest Racer vote (although it's not yet specifically stated in the rules). People often want to do that, but you should base your votes on the people wrecking, and if someone makes lots of, for example, tight or DRL tracks, that could make the votes unfair if they're in the lobby with one of their maps.

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The Reach tournament times are going to be alternated around so both Europeans and Americans get a fair chance to participate.

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That's actually against not allowed for a Dirtiest Racer vote (although it's not yet specifically stated in the rules). People often want to do that, but you should base your votes on the people wrecking, and if someone makes lots of, for example, tight or DRL tracks, that could make the votes unfair if they're in the lobby with one of their maps.

I actually do this rarely. The only time I could remember doing this was on Arena SX and I voted for Bean. Nobody wrecked me or raced me dirty that race and I didn't want to give a pass up early in the tournament. I also didn't witness any wrecks as I was in the back trying to catch up.

Also if that becomes a rule it will be virtually impossible to enforce because dirtiest racer is an opinion-based award, not a fact-based award. I'm not going to make this a huge debate but if you want a rebuttal just PM me. :)

Edited by King Edward I

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Also if that becomes a rule it will be virtually impossible to enforce because dirtiest racer is an opinion-based award, not a fact-based award. I'm not going to make this a huge debate but if you want a rebuttal just PM me. :)

Dirtiest Racer in general is already very hard to enforce, but we try our best just like tournament rules. I kind of agree with you to an extent, but I feel like it's becoming more and more of a 'funk you' opinion-based award; if that makes sense. Like someone will perform a legitimate wreck & the wreckee will pass not giving the wrecker the respective vote he or she deserves, or will vote for someone else entirely because they don't like the person who wrecked them or think that the wreck was bs. You'll hear this sometimes in a lobby nowadays: "But I wrecked you on the turn! That's bs! Funk you then..." And then it goes downhill and will happen the rest of the tournament. Or a certain person will be in the lobby, and just because that person is there he/she will get the majority of the votes most of the time (and I sometimes go back to check films to see if a legitimate wreck happened).

If this winds up being the case, and someone disagrees with something and think it needs to be corrected, send the host a message just like you normally would.

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It's becoming, "If Rob's there he wins" sort of thing because Rob is cool. Also, I think we've came to the point that we generally hate wrecking-based drivers and give more respect to the "Oh Geezus that's a wreck" drivers, which is why Rob gets a lot of votes. Also, did I mention Rob's cool?

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