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Mrs StarStrukk

DRL'ers with RPG Stats

18 posts in this topic

Please note this isn't meant to be offensive to anyone. Just for laughs and giggles!


Wisdom: 70

Intelligence: 85

Speed: 95

Stamina: 60

Special Ability: May cast "Win" on targeted tournament.


Strength: More than you

Stamina: More than you

Speed: More than you

Pissed: At you

Special Ability: Automatically casts "Rage" with each encounter.

Wolf 8499

Strength: 1

Stamina: 1

Racism: 85

Lapped: 99

Special Ability: May summon "Sandwich". May cast "Bathroom Break" on targeted tournament.


Strength: 1

Vitality: 3

Wisdom: 85

Adorableness: 95

Special Ability: Can cast "Admin Power" on targeted forum post or thread. Immune to Cute-type spells.

Dom Motionless

Dexterity: 50

Anger: 50

Stamina: 50

Cannibalism: 90

Special Ability: Automatically casts "Last Lap Failure" with each encounter. Can't use Winning-type spells.


Strength: 80

Dexterity: 10

Speed: 60

Stamina: 90

Special Ability: May cast "Cancel" on targeted tournament. May change to Wizard-class during an encounter.


Dirtiness: 99

Lag: Yes

How much: Too much

Really: Sorry bro

Special Ability: May cast "Voice-Pitch Change" during an encounter.


Wisdom: 75

Speech: 90

Dexterity: 60

Stamina: N/A

Special Ability: May cast "Commentate" or "Stream" on targeted race or tournament.


Stealth: 99

Grammar: 99

Parenting: 99

Tryhard: 99

Special Ability: May cast "Correction" on targeted everything. May cast "Daycare" with each encounter. May cast "Stalker" with each encounter.

BxA Real Deal

Living His Life: 75

Smoove: 85

Singing: Really Bad

Splash: 60

Special Ability: May cast "Prove It" with each encounter.

Edited by Miss StarStrukk
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Strength: 1

Vitality: 3

Wisdom: 85

Adorableness: 95

Special Ability: Can cast "Admin Power" on targeted forum post or thread. Immune to Cute-type spells.


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Oh my gosh this is just too good! These are my favorites :teehee:

Wolf 8499

Special Ability: May summon "Sandwich". May cast "Bathroom Break" on targeted tournament.

Dom Motionless

Cannibalism: 90


Special Ability: May cast "Voice-Pitch Change" during an encounter.

All are so true

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