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Faces of the DRL

29 posts in this topic

Back when I was in Compton.


When EoE Oh SNAP and I defended the President of the United States back in 1987.


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I just posted the below post in the "What does everybody look like?" topic, but I figured I'd post it here too!

Here is one of me, almost two years ago, making my fat face, with a camera effect on lolSnapshot_20110730_2_zps7814292b.jpg

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Ah, camera warp. I used to do that all the time to my friends. He's mine, making me look like an Alien


Me on Halloween 2010


Me when I was about 2 (1986), with pet dog Lassie


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This is me on my fourteenth birthday just recently with my brother. I'm on the right. to be funny my brother and I decided since i'm the same height as him we were going to dress in the same clothes.

Edited By CoookkieMonster: That image isn't working. Make sure you have it uploaded to photobucket and are using the IMG tag to post it.

Edited by Ano: Fixed it

Thank you

Edited by mpalencia1685

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