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DRL Leaderboards

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Leaderboard updated:

NJD moves in to second with his impressive European victory.

llehctim leapfrogs Cookie in the battle of the hosts.

Bean moves all the way up from 12th to 8th to push Tripmine out of the top ten.

Top Ten:




Boyd Da Milkman

King Edward I





Jake Bobius

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I will update the leaderboard after this weeks Europe Tournament, but this is just a quick update from today's tournament:

Jake and Jeff's impressive showing moves them to 3rd and 5th respectively, meaning our tournament winners now occupy the top 5.

Edward jumps Boyd, but is shuffled now with the rest by Jake and Jeff.

Everyone in the top 10 remains in the top 10.

Everyone from 1st to 14th has won a race.

Top Ten:



Jake Bobius



King Edward I

Boyd Da Milkman




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Hey Whiskey I think you're links for all the various leaderboards are broken because they aren't showing up or me, just the codes are

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Cookie, you'll have to enable HTML for the post each time Whiskey updates it. To do that, hit "Edit" and find where the option for "HTML Auto Line-Break" is. Make sure that's selected and submit the changes.

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That's weird, they still show up for me... Sorry if you do have to enable it everytime. I'm not actually editing the post at all, so I thought you wouldn't have to.

I will update the spreadsheet when llehctim puts up the latest results.

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Only two changes this week:

Jake's impressive tournament this week puts him up to 2nd, jumping xNJD1x.

Bean's best tournament not only means the he's now competed more tournaments than CoookkieMonster, but also jumps him all the way to 7th.

Top Ten:


Jake Bobius




King Edward I


Boyd Da Milkman



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Wow, Bean has raced more than anyone else, that's awesome! Good for Bean! He is our current Offensive Racer too, making him one of the best in the DRL!

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