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DRL Leaderboards

368 posts in this topic

I feel me completing 100 tournaments so far means I'm special.

That is actually really insane.

2 things that I am happy about

-Tied gogeta for 2nd most tournament wins! (22)

-Most total points on the Last Ten leaderboard!

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Leaderboard Update!

The leaderboards are now updated with all tournaments between Tournament B #39 and Tournament © #15 (8 tournaments).

Don't forget to scroll right to see Best and Map stats.

Last Ten Leaderboard


All change again at the top! Cassel takes the number 1 spot, despite still having his DQ working against him.

Whiskey loses 2 places, to be behind gogeta. All is lost, REPENT.

We lost Masta Hippie from both leaderboards, which has given many a bump.

Not Office though, he falls 2 to 7th.

The only person having a better fortnight than Cassel is StarStrukk, she gains 5 places to finally make it into the top 10.

Real Deal now knocks on the door of the top 10 in 11th.

We also have a top 15 debutant this week: HunterUnit is 15th, beating out Kiddioo by 0.11.

Elsewhere, Orion leaps ahead of Rob.

Top 15

1. Casselfied


3. gogetarulez

4. WhiskeyWarm

5. xSODAPOP 13x

6. Jeffh3962

7. TheOffice1808

8. Miss StarStrukk

9. xNJD1x

10. NukedlceCream

11. BxA Real Deal D

12. Bean05

13. H3R0 365

14. King Edward I

15. HunterUnit751

Full Leaderboard


The only change up top was Cassel leapfrogging PANCAKEMUFFIN.

We lost Masta Hippie and CoookkieMonster, but...

We regained King Edward and Hatter!

We also have some new faces on the leaderboard: xEasyTargetx, AlexJ189, JUHAN1280 and returning THE FuglyStick.


Bean ties Coookkie on Dirtiest Racer awards, but Coookkie goes inactive, so Bean is the sole Wrecking Machine.

Top 15

1. WhiskeyWarm

2. gogetarulez

3. Casselfied


5. TheOffice1808

6. xSODAPOP 13x

7. Bean05

8. NukedlceCream

9. Jeffh3962

10. xNJD1x

11. Miss StarStrukk

12. Kiddioo

13. BxA Real Deal D

14. DoM Motionless

15. H3R0 365

DRL News

Sorry for the lame update this fortnight, I'm moving house tomorrow!

Leaderboards | Track Roster | Tournament Results Reference | Tournament Point Tracker | Head 2 Head and Racer Progression

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Good update whiskey. My rocket man rank is gone :'( I need to earn it back! Have I been the only rocket man so far?

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Leaderboard Update!

The leaderboards are now updated with all tournaments between Tournament #46 and Friday Tournament #50 (7 tournaments).

Don't forget to scroll right to see Best and Map stats.

Last Ten Leaderboard


Whiskey moves up 2 places to 2nd, following a return to winning ways. But is still 2.4 points behind leader Cassel.

TheOffice, NJD and Bean all move up 1 place each, to 6th, 8th and 11th respectively.

Furtherdown, new host DemoTrtl leapfrogs DoM Motionless.

ImpROBable and MilkMan gain a place each, at the expense of Orion.

Alexj, the biggest gainer in both leaderboards, gains 7 places.

Top 15

1. Casselfied

2. WhiskeyWarm


4. gogetarulez

5. xSODAPOP 13x

6. TheOffice1808

7. Jeffh3962

8. xNJD1x

9. Miss StarStrukk

10. NukedlceCream

11. Bean05

12. H3R0 365

13. BxA Real Deal D

14. King Edward I

15. Kiddioo

Full Leaderboard


Following their joint win in the week, NJD and Bean move up 1 place a piece, displacing Jeff and Sodapop.

The big gainer this week was Alexj189, moving up 7 places.

Elsewhere, Milk Man and a rabid tourist move up 2.

We also welcomed Gc hUtZyy, DnjrusZoolojosh, DRG Thang Baby and A Calm Glaceon to the leaderboards.


Miss StarStrukk won her 5th tournament and with it becomes the 9th active Repulsive Racer.

HunterUnit earned Dangerous Driver with his 5th Dirtiest Racer.

Casselfied earned his first Dirtiest Racer after coming close many times, whereas DnjrusZoolojosh earned it on his first try.

Top 15

1. WhiskeyWarm

2. gogetarulez

3. Casselfied


5. TheOffice1808

6. Bean05

7. xSODAPOP 13x

8. NukedlceCream

9. xNJD1x

10. Jeffh3962

11. Miss StarStrukk

12. Kiddioo

13. BxA Real Deal D

14. DoM Motionless

15. H3R0 365

DRL News

Sorry for the lame update this fortnight, I'm moving house tomorrow!

Leaderboards | Track Roster | Tournament Results Reference | Tournament Point Tracker | Head 2 Head and Racer Progression

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Hopefully we get an update soon. Its almost been a whole month.

Yeah me too, but you can't blame Whiskey because I'm sure he has just been really busy with stoof

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