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DRL Leaderboards

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So Whiskey will you be updating this after every tournament? If there's a way I could edit it I could help you out and update it sometimes, I'd just need to know how to first.

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So Whiskey will you be updating this after every tournament? If there's a way I could edit it I could help you out and update it sometimes, I'd just need to know how to first.

Yeah I will, I'll update and pm it to you tomorrow.

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Oh alright cool thanks! You could just update once a week on Saturdays, so that way you don't have to twice for both tournaments

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Hey Whiskey, did you get my xbox live message??

edit: Also, Lord Fluffball never raced so please take him off of the leaderboard; he had someone else race in his place.

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Hey Whiskey, did you get my xbox live message??

edit: Also, Lord Fluffball never raced so please take him off of the leaderboard; he had someone else race in his place.

Just got it, they're on my file share if you still need them.

Shall I bump everyone's positions up, or change his name to the person that actually raced?

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Omg Whiskey, you're a life saver! I love you! lol I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get these; I am SO releaved! Also, just bump everyone up because the person he had race for him was just his friend I believe, not an HT member.

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