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DRL Leaderboards

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DRL Leaderboards

The leaderboard charts each active racers position based on their Rating (detailed below). It also contains a multitude of stats. Stats highlighted in bright red are the best in that field. The leaderboard will be updated weekly, normally Mondays.

Members who have missed the last 30 tournaments will be removed from the leaderboard. They will rejoin, previous stats intact, when they complete their next tournament. Those within 5 tournaments of Inactivity are highlighted blue.

Similar to the track roster, you can now sort and filter the leaderboard to your liking. Want to see the rankings in terms of points alone, or who has moved since the last update then you can! Best way to see how much you can do is to give it a go.

Full Leaderboard

This is based off all tournaments by default. You view the leaderboard between any two tournaments by using the red boxes at the top, leaving them blank will show the whole leaderboard.

<iframe width="960" height="900" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

Last Ten Leaderboard

This leaderboard is based on everybody's last ten tournament (including ones that they quit). People can only join the leaderboard after 3 tournament finishes.

<iframe width="960" height="900" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

Best and Last Ten Tournaments

Here you can see what point scores count towards you averages. The top line show your best ten, which is used on the Full Leaderboard. The bottom line shows last ten, with best 6 in red, which is used on the Last Ten Leaderboard. Enter your name into either red box.

<iframe width="950" height="210" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="'Head%20to%20Head'!C12&Item=PointsAverages&wdHideGridlines=True&wdDownloadButton=True"></iframe>

Ratings are calculated as follows.


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I think you just added the last 4 columns to make yourself feel good. Jk, anyways this looks great. Its nice to see how everybody ranks against each other.

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lol @ lukeywood. And yeah this is awesome Whiskey, thanks for doing all of this leaderboard stuff, I never would have thought to do it. Great job! I is very interesting and fun to know everyone's stats, I'm pinning this topic! (:

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So I did the ratings column (which will probably change). Here's how things changed:


Please note that this may seem a little skewed, but that is many due to Tournament Entries.

Here is the Formula, in nice graphical form. (I was really bored at work today).


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