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Official DRL Map Database

128 posts in this topic

Yeah never add them unless they've been used; also, we don't add every track that's been used, just the ones that have been successful and we want to use again.

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i would like to submit my track Silo Station to see if it would be good for the DRL. Its on my file share i just haven't posted it in the gallery yet because in still waiting on some screenshots.

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i would like to submit my track Silo Station to see if it would be good for the DRL. Its on my file share i just haven't posted it in the gallery yet because in still waiting on some screenshots.

Yes, fantastic track.

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Sorry French Fry I didn't see your comment, I'll try out your map soon! And Zekito, there were 3 or 4 jumps on Brightflame that constantly failed for us; it failed for everyone making it fair, but it isn't fun when the jumps always fail.

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Few more maps for consideration:

Floccinaucinihilipilification by NukedLceCream

Unknown Tournament Track by Tripmine

Also I think gogeta has a competitive version of Viper.

My track Violet hasn't been used yet.

Lastly both and gogeta have tracks on the Crimson DLC.

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We won't be using DLC maps for a little while. I too have a new track out that I'll add in the next one. I'll be sure to check out Violet, I think I thought it was another version of your other Vortex map, since you've made a few other tracks with two versions. I'm definitely going to used Nuked's new track too, I've played it a few times, and we'll see about the tournament track because they're not so great for DRLing.

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This is the code for the Track Roster Spreadsheet, enable on this post to have a look :).

<iframe width="502" height="900" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>

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