Posted December 12, 2012 · Report post Official DRL Map Database Map Database Data Below is the map database, it contains the following data for each track: Name, Mapmaker(s), Suggested laps, Lap time, Track type and Host map. Name - Simply what the mapmaker called their map. Mapmakers - The ones you can rage at when you fail. Suggested laps - Calculated from lap time, the number of laps suggested to ensure races of between 8 and 12 minutes. Lap time - Representative lap time in a solo game. Track type - The category of track that the race falls into. Host map - The Halo 4 map the track is built on (e.g. Erosion, Ragnarok etc.) Track type Terrain - Where the floor on the track is mainly terrain from the built in maps, with maybe a few bridges etc. Also has to be relatively wide in most places. Tight - Normally reserved for maps built on Haven, Adrift etc. Can also be any map where the majority on the race is narrow. SX/MX - Based on real life Motocross racing, SX tracks consist of jumps and rollovers in sections with mainly 90 and 180 degree turns with burms, MX are similar but tend to be on terrain and more free form, AX are very short SX tracks. Most tracks have the appropriate suffix. DRL - Maps that feature jumps, obstacles, pitfalls and other fun things. Think Craqwert, Lunarcross and Duckling's Castle. MT/GP - GP are man-made smooth tracks, normally devoid of jumps. MT tend to be a mix of GP and SX. In this league this is extended to the mario kart tracks aswell. Collision - Any track where the route crosses over and/or against itself often within a lap Not recommended Maps that have been used in the DRL, but for some reason, are inconsistent or do not produce good/fair races are put on the not recommended list. Maps that are not recommended for use are written in red italic font. Using the Spreadsheet Filtering and Sorting - By clicking the arrows next to each head you can sort and silter what you see in the table, for example you can sort by lap time or filter to only show Terrain tracks. Best thing to do is give it a go. Refreshing the page will reset it. Track Search - The Orange boxes on the right allow you to search for tracks, the first row is Track Type, the second is Host Map and the third is Map Maker. Type into these cells what you would like to search (e.g. DRL, Erosion, Bean05, will highlight all DRL tracks, by Bean, on Erosion). Results are highlighted in orange. This spreadsheet contains the vast majority of maps used in the history of H4 DRL, and will be updated and added to with future maps. Some data such as total races and individual map plays may not be 100% correct due to missing legacy tournaments. Link to spreadsheet here, as it's too big to reliably load embeded into the webpage. Submission Requirements The best types of tracks are Terrain, Tight, SX/MX, and DRL; however other styles of tracks will still be provided they prove to have good racing. Skytracks, Rollercoasters, Hardcore Tracks, and any similar types of track will not be accepted. You must credit all creators of the track. There is no limit on how many maps you may submit. It is ultimately up to the tournament hosts whether they use your map or not, so try contacting one of them. Submission Format Author's gamertag. Include all authors of any co-forged maps Track name Track type In the spoiler below is the old style database, this will no longer be updated, but it seemed a shame to delete it. Map Database NukedlceCream Hectic Hell Gotterdamerung Journey Up On The Rooftop Frost Sky Floccinaucinihilipilification ("Floc") Attack Refuge Convolution Viridian Snowpoint Throwback Saffron Burst Indigo MX Celadon Lavender Cataclysm Pewter Breakdown Vermillion Autumn Green green grass Fuschia Battle On The Blue Paradise Great White North CoookkieMonster Dirt Roads Snowy Trails Misty Peaks Melting Marvels Winding River Shattered Up On The Rooftop LunarCross Relentless December Waterfront Lithofractor Whisper Tree Hugger Cerulean Coast Duntrune Castle Battle On The Blue LunarCross 2 DRL Palace WhiskeyWarm Verge Compass Lacklustre Melted 8 Exodus Lowline Colouring Vestige Viking Violet Wrap Around Congo Canine Lothario Haphazard Lioness Remedial Bean05 Assault Enchiladas? ARENA SX Scrape Complexion ¿Burritos? Tacos? Vortexes Longdow Valholl Crazqwert Banana Split Ragnaroc Wongbow Sandy City Vorte× XreignZ Gromulen SX Filthy Park SX Reaper SX Wongatti MX Scrapyard SX Venator SX Marigold MX Fractal SX Peppergoose SX Alpine Dolphin GK Blade's Edge Arena SX Sanctum SX Botanical Gardens SX Prison Yard SX Gogetarulez Viper- Competitive Purple & Gold Complex Crescent Fire Ruins DRL Gold & Purple Mystic Dawn Dragon MX Mogar MX Purple & Gold MX Breakdown Alpine Dolphin GK Terra Nova Possante Enchiladas? ¿Burritos? Tacos? Profiteroles Ratatouille Hummus (Forge Island) Battenburg Banana Split Sorbet Hummus (Ravine) Artichoke Lasagne Lord FluffBall Racers City DRL Complex Crescent Filthy Raceway Bumpety Rupety Racers City 2 Flithy Raceway 2 Indigo MX Purple & Gold MX Velvet Trails Rainbow MX DoM mOtIoNlEsS ?Ya Sweatin' Boi? Glacier Meltdown TURBINE SX The mOtIoNlEsS In Motion Sandy City TurbTastic Bowser's Castle Sherbert Land Banshee Boardwalk Koopa Troopa MK64 OrdoMalleuss Are you a robot? Wasteland Raceway Crackers The Old West OrionHardy84 Complexity Caragnarok Cold Snap Cynical vR Iceman Vegas SX 2013 AMA Houston SX Monster Energy Cup GOLDLINER 49NER Solara SX Monumental SX Toxious SX llehctim4 Grassy Gradient Dragon MX Landslide Boyd Da Milkman Nordic You Happy Cookie? Arciform WastedDuckling9 Duckling's Castle Piped Rehise Masta Hippie Junkgle Funky Factory Radiator Springs romansoldier35 Nothern Lights MX RTV Maccabee Arroyo Nationals Anopisthograph Cherry Krush Watermelon Squeeze i impROBable Cliff Side MX Radiator Springs Tripmine413 Gotterdammerung Jeffh3962 Jotunheim v Ionized Astraeus D MAGE59663 Cooling Station AYMxFaMaSiitY Silo Station YouxxGotxxOwned Scrapyard SX SPAC3M3AT tokyo drift- the metropolis PANCAKEMUFFIN Constellation SX LiQuiD I NosE Good Morning Vietnam Oracle Ball Snowhead Vorck Space Arena MT (RACETRACKS compatible version in gogetarulez's fileshare) King Edward I Chrysolite SX Wolf 8499 Acidic Trails Purpledinosaur0 Vantage SX Maps Used But Not Recommended: Brightflame SX By: XreignZ- Several jumps are constantly inconsistent Outbreak SX By: Purpledinosaur0- Extremely challenging, full speed jumps Christmas 'Gooses By: llehctim4 and gogetarulez- All stunts (elevator and jumps) fail with multiple people Rolds Golds SX By: GOLDLINER 49NER- Several Jumps are inconsistent, the hill doesn't always give points Jade v2.2 By: Ultima Awesome- Rocket launcher in the way on the track, checkpoint is much too short Treeline MX By: Lord FluffBall- Some of the jumps are very inconsistent. Coliseum SX By: vR Iceman- Several jumps are very inconsistent, and it's easy to flip in the checkpoint Warehouse SX By: Purpledinosaur0- Not compatible for the RACETRACKS gametype Slums MX By: i impROBable- Big jump and checkpoint jump are inconsistent Marathon SX By: i impROBable- There is no checkpoint Space Stadium MT By: Vorck- Very easy to fail and get stuck Coconut Mall By: TurbTastic- Several Jumps Are Inconsistent Child's Play SX By: OrionHardy84- Inconsistent ending jump Clarity By: Itz Nugget 095- More of a double-wide, not very competitive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 12, 2012 · Report post If you want to, you can add my Complexity map to the list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 12, 2012 · Report post If you want to, you can add my Complexity map to the list. If it gets used in one of our tournaments I'll add it to the list! (: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 20, 2012 · Report post You could add my Purple & Gold map. It's a fun terrain track and it's being used this friday. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 20, 2012 · Report post Once it is used I'll add it. I also have to add all the ones I used last night, I just don't have time to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 21, 2012 · Report post Bean05's map Assault is pretty damn good, should be considered for future tournaments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 23, 2012 · Report post I've just added Purple & Gold. And thanks for the suggestion Whiskey, I'm using it in the Europe #3! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 23, 2012 (edited) · Report post Don't forget to add Wogatti MX by XreignZ and Assualt by Bean. Those are being used in friday's tournament. Also Viking by Whiskey. EDIT: Also LunarCross by CoookkieMonster Edited December 23, 2012 by gogetarulez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 23, 2012 · Report post Don't forget to add Wogatti MX by XreignZ and Assualt by Bean. Those are being used in friday's tournament. Also Viking by Whiskey. EDIT: Also LunarCross by CoookkieMonster I know, I'll add them once they've been used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 24, 2012 (edited) · Report post Just wanted to let people know that I created a competitive version of my terrain track Viper on Longbow. I remade the jump and it's almost impossible to fail unless you're taken out really, really good. And even if that happens, you're still able to get back to the track because I added a mini-ramp there to get back. It's up in my fileshare now. GT: gogetarulez Edited December 24, 2012 by gogetarulez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites