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maybe next week or the week after. if you get impatient, you can host a drl tournament yourself with whatever map list you want.

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Trickybear, don't post spam or nonsense in this thread. This thread is supposed to be used for signing up for the squad.

As for LooneyCheese, welcome to Halotracks, and welcome to the DRL!

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I added you a while back man, your friend singed you and himself up. This squad is now run by THE Fuglystick, so if you need anything regarding the DRL just talk to him.

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This was an error on my part coookkie, i didn't realize his ht account was copper partin, so I told him to sign up again.

Copper Partin, sorry I didn't realize it was you. I must have missed your gamertag being linked to your profile

Edited by The Fuglystick

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