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hey coookkie, when i gt my xbox back i will host a couple drl tourneys if you want me to take some of the load off you and fugly

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Thanks! We have about 30 members, and 8 spots in each tourney: it'd be cool to have several tourney hosters to host tournaments alot so everybody gets a chance to be in them. Oh and I don't care what people say, more than 8 racers is too many, can easily cause lag, and would complicate scoring and maintaining the lobby. But yeah thatd be great, I'll give you the format sometime


Thanks! We have about 30 members, and 8 spots in each tourney: it'd be cool to have several tourney hosters to host tournaments alot so everybody gets a chance to be in them. Oh and I don't care what people say, more than 8 racers is too many, can easily cause lag, and would complicate scoring and maintaining the lobby. But yeah thatd be great, I'll give you the format sometime


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Uh I signed up and was in the first two tournies but my name isnt up there.:good: I feel so left out lol.

Edited by xdeathlordx

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