Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post Official DRL Members List You no longer have to sign up to the squad specifically, All squad tournaments will be found on main HT Tournaments page, and will be posted and advertised in the official HaloTracks discord. If you aren't already in the discord, join us here! Thread will be kept for archivable purposes only. The official members list of the DRL, in order (about) of when they joined. How to join: Post in this thread indicating your desire to join and you will be added to the list as soon as possible. If you aren't added to this list within a day or two of you joining, please inform CoookkieMonster so you can be added. DRL References: Click any of the below links to access different features within the DRL. DRL Fourm DRL Leaderboard DRL Map Database DRL Tournament Rules Open DRL Tournaments DRL Tournament Results DRL Tournament Highlights DRL Tournament Point Tracker Last Updated: DRL Tournament #35 Last Userbars: DRL Tournament ( B ) #13 (Discontinued) Name: Title(s): (best of each of the four categories) DRL Points: 1. ^^^CoookkieMonster- Filthy Leader I Obscene Racer I Grimy Racer I Wrecking Machine(x15) I Filthy Racer(x1) 4,303 2. noruk5- Dirty Member 0 3. WastedDuckling9- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 437 4. gogetarulez- Obscene Racer I Raunchy Racer I Repugnant Racer(x16) 2,630 5. kiddioo- Obscene Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x3) I Filthy Racer(x1) 2,642 6. llehctim4- Nasty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 1,102 7. NukedlceCream- Filthy Leader I Obscene Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dangerous Driver(x7) I Repugnant Racer(x11) 5,370 8. KSI Milk Man- Dirty Member 0 9. Tripmine413- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 661 10. Jeffh3962- Dirty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dirtiet Racer(x1) I Filthy Racer(x2) 889 11. Jake Bobius- Dirty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Repulsive Racer(x5) 1,444 12. TheKittehFace- Dirty Member 0 13. ^^WhiskeyWarm- Filthy Co-Leader ( B ) I Obscene Racer I Vulgar Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x2) I Filthiest Racer(x27) 3,183 14. Boyd Da Milkman- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 846 15. The ZeKiiTo- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 327 16. Wieselchen93- Dirty Member 0 17. Blake078- Dirty Member 0 18. ShiftyEye- Dirty Member 0 19. MotoHDx- Dirty Member 0 20. clipstreu- Dirty Racer 107 21. LiQuiD I NosE- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 239 22. xNJD1x- Dirty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dirtiest Racer (x1) I Filthy Racer(x1) 703 23. Masta Hippie- Nasty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) I Filthy Racer(x3) 1,837 24. AYMxFaMaSiitY- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 214 25. smm2010- Dirty Member 0 26. JakeDC23 XmlgX- Dirty Racer 35 27. Orionhardy84- Filthy Co-Leader (Europe) I Nasty Racer I Foul Racer 1,983 28. lukeywood08- Dirty Racer 211 29. Bean05- Filthy Co-Leader (Europe) I Obscene Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dangerous Driver(x9) I Repugnant Racer(x12) 5,797 30. KingLew9812- Dirty Member 0 31. Dirty Dovakihn- Dirty Racer 53 32. I GHOUND I- Dirty Member 0 33. JW Garbage Man- Dirty Member 0 34. AliceD69- Dirty Member 0 35. Lord FluffBall- Nasty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Filthy Racer 1,669 36. Ultima Awesome- Dirty Racer 43 37. D MAGE59663- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 266 38. OD Sasuke- Dirty Racer 101 39. Porter0012- Dirty Member 0 40. DjV RazoR- Dirty Racer I Grimy Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x3) I Filthy Racer(x1) 819 41. snap285- Dirty Member 0 42. ghobi6- Dirty Member 0 43. Tyle Khaos- Dirty Members 0 44. xdeathlordx- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 943 45. A xDarknezZx- Dirty Racer 55 46. HAZARDFrost- Dirty Racer 49 47. Keepsake- Dirty Member 0 48. AddiCt3d 2CHa0s- Dirty Member 0 49. BoilerDave99- Dirty Member 0 50. KillerBane VII- Dirty Racer 330 51. zFuR- Dirty Member 0 52. Sanemaniak - Dirty Member 0 53. xUnknownGamingx- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 335 BANNED 54. King Edward I- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x2) I Filthy Racer(x1) 777 55. wGTR Cookie- Dirty Racer 54 56. Possante- Dirty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) I Filthy Racer(x1) 1,484 57. LostHorizon13- Dirty Member 0 58. WHAT A FORGER- Dirty Member 0 59. Golden Gomez- Dirty Member 0 60. LungoVivoMerigo- Dirty Racer 51 61. TannerJohnson23- Dirty Racer 154 62. muggs01227- Dirty Member 0 63. TheOffice1808- Nasty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Repulsive Racer(x6) 1,997 64. FullxEnglish- Dirty Member 0 65. crashness08- Dirty Member 0 66. Xx Jonocide xX- Dirty Racer 147 67. Purpledinosaur0- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 251 68. AvalancheFever5- Dirty Member 0 69. W0lfix- Dirty Member 0 70. DarkLynx976- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x2) 752 71. Hatter Is Mad- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 77 72. PURRISMO- Dirty Racer 42 73. Casselfied- Dirty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Filthy Racer(x1) 579 74. OrdoMalleuss- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 411 75. eagles11245- Dirty Member 0 76. Eagle i 26- Dirty Member 0 77. ImOrion- Dirty Member 0 78. BuzzKillinYeti- Dirty Member 0 79. A Hobos Stick- Dirty Member 0 80. H3RO 365- Dirty Member 0 81. OfficerDonutz- Dirty Racer 143 82. GR1M R33PAR- Dirty Racer 61 83. Noble Poseidon- Dirty Racer 48 84. TurbTastic- Dirty Racer 45 85. Becker 957- Dirty Member 0 86. Dra9on 39- Dirty Member 0 87. IRmrCOOKIE- Dirty Member 0 88. COG ProKillerXI- Dirty Member 0 89. REAL TALK TONY- Dirty Member 0 90. vR Iceman- Dirty Racer I Grimy Racer I Filthy Racer(x2) 336 91. SPAC3M3AT- Dirty Racer 399 92. zakvader- Dirty Racer 329 93. YouxxGotxxOwned- Dirty Racer 126 94. EoE Oh SNAP- Dirty Racer 45 95. FIRST PLACE- Dirty Member 0 96. xXDarkstar146Xx- Dirty Racer 56 97. DRIV3R 99- Dirty Racer 53 98. Secret Snub- Dirty Racer 61 99. MvpxCrazyxJoker- Dirty Member 0 100. Stuhnin- Dirty Racer 59 101. PANCAKEMUFFIN- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x2) I Filthy Racer(x2) 435 102. symbiotic titan- Dirty Member 0 103. lunarchocobo- Dirty Member 0 104. Elpmet- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 619 105. Anopisthograph Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 669 106. hiddenjewgold- Dirty Member 0 107. DoM mOtioNlEsS I Obscene Racer I Raunchy Racer I Dangerous Driver(x7) I Filthy Racer(x3) 3,741 108. Funniestcash- Dirty Racer 14 109. SG Detail- Dirty Racer 22 110. UNREALIZTIC- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 254 111. Wolf 8499- Nasty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x3) 1,508 Banned for 1 month ending 08/18/13 112. XreignZ- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 513 113. impROBable- Nasty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x2) 1,307 114. I KC Congo I- Dirty Racer 55 115. BxA Real Deal D- Filthy Co-Leader ( B ) I Obscene Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x2) I Filthy Racer(x2) 2,791 116. xDOMdaBOMx- Dirty Racer 424 117. MtndewX97- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 535 118. shank1289- Dirty Racer 675 119. TEO Gray Wolf- Dirty Member 0 120. FredR1ck11- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 145 121. DRG Icy Remix- Filthy Leader ( C ) I Nasty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x4) 1,571 122. pi0usSpark1- Dirty Racer 119 123. ChillSquishster- Dirty Racer 248 124. FuzzyStormz- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer 531 125. L0L Itz James- Dirty Racer 200 126. manderrs- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 42 127. purple gamer 17- Dirty Racer 59 128. TriFlake28- Dirty Racer 58 129. Fisky 155- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) I Filthy Racer 146 130. A Fugly Carrort- Dirty Racer 47 131. Itz Nugget 095- Dirty Racer 118 132. Relapsive- Dirty Racer 208 133. radicalm3at- Dirty Racer 133 134. mpalencia1685- Dirty Racer 158 135. jose unzaga99- Dirty Member 0 136. yukmas- Dirty Member 0 137. FANNYPHYRGIAN- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 125 138. William Jolly- Dirty Member 0 139. Dar7h V4der- Dirty Racer 42 140. Neudlez- Dirty Racer 975 141. HOBO MODZ 113- Dirty Member 0 142. HunterUnit751- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x2) 472 143. cam2602- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer 196 144. paddy749- Dirty Member 0 145. romansoldier35- Nasty Racer I Raunchy Racer I Filthy Racer(x2) 1,264 146. Eric S 53- Dirty Racer 128 147. fancy33- Dirty Racer 184 148. turkeyshot98- Dirty Racer 207 149. FORGE INSANiiTY- Dirty Racer 56 150. wrangoth2- Dirty Racer 105 151. MMCR MONKEY MAN- Dirty Member 0 152. AGENTBADGER007- Dirty Member 0 153. lifegreenearth- Dirty Member 0 154. xJAB199x- Dirty Member 0 155. elite mkb- Nasty Racer I Grimy Racer I Dangerous Driver(x5) I Filthy Racer(x1) 1,089 156. DusterBuster2K- Dirty Racer I Foul Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 208 157. Beastly Ski- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 149 158. iTz Mayor- Dirty Member 0 159. H3R0 365- Dirty Racer I Grimy Racer I Filthy Racer(x1) 256 160. TheRedEyedDevil- Dirty Racer 63 161. linkpark 123- Dirty Racer 7 162. Deano Is Super- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 66 163. Snake Ug- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 50 164. KIBA0503- Dirty Racer 96 165. CurvedBubbles- Dirty Member 0 166. KSI KingOfTroy- Dirty Racer 46 167. a rabid tourist- Dirty Racer 67 168. DeadlockDrago17- Dirty Racer 130 169. bryn514 Revived- Dirty Racer 144 170. irish fan555555- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer(x1) 151 171. Lunar Hydrus- Dirty Member 0 172. AdventureNacho- Dirty Racer 140 173. Nak3dBaC0n14- Dirty Racer I Dirtiest Racer 70 174. Damandante- Dirty Racer 27 175. zX iKINgZ X- Dirty Member 0 176. TheDVRGamers 3- Dirty Member 0 116/174 members have raced. 58/174 members have not raced. 67% have raced, while 33% have not. THIS LIST HAS BEEN RESET FOR HALO 4. ALL MEMBERS NEED TO RE-JOIN. (We reached 51 members in Halo Reach, let's try and top that!) Members who have gotten a perfect tournament: 1. gogetarulez 2. WhiskeyWarm Members who have won a tournament and been voted the dirtiest racer of that tournament: 1. NukedlceCream 2. CoookkieMonster 3. Bean05 4. NukedlceCream 5. BxA Real Deal D 6. Bean05 7. WhiskeyWarm 8. DjV RazoR Members who have tied for a tournament win: 1. DoM mOtIoNlEsS and NukedlceCream 2. DoM mOtIoNlEsS and BxA Real Deal D List of our Filthy Leaders in chronological order: 1. CoookkieMonster 2. llehctim4 3. gogetarulez < Started at the same time 4. Lord FluffBall 5. WhiskeyWarm 6. OrionHardy84 < Started at the same time 7. Bean05 8. Anopisthograph < Started at the same time 9. NukedlceCream 10. DoM mOtIoNlEsS 11. DRG Icy Remix <Started at the same time 12. BxA Real Deal D Here are the various ranks in the DRL with a description of how to earn each: Leader Ranks: ^Founder: CoookkieMonster. Filthy Leader: Earn this by being an active member of the squad who I see fit to host Official DRL Tournaments. Member Ranks: Dirty Member: Earn this by joining the squad. These are either new members, or members who joined but are yet to compete in a tournament. Dirty Racer: Earn this by competing in an Official DRL Tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Member. Foul Racer: Earn this by winning a race in an official DRL Tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Dirtiest Racer: Earn this by being voted as the Dirtiest Racer in a tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Filthy Racer: Earn this by winning an Official DRL Tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Honorable Ranks: Point Amount Ranks Nasty Racer: Earn this by earning over 1,000 DRL points from Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Obscene Racer: Earn This by earning over 2,000 DRL points from Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Nasty Racer. ^Offensive Racer: Earn this by being the member with the most DRL points earned from our tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Race Win Ranks Grimy Racer: Earn this by winning five or more races in Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Foul Racer. Raunchy Racer: Earn this by winning ten or more races in Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Grimy Racer. ^Vulgar Racer: Earn this by being the member with the most race wins in the DRL. Anyone with this rank is also a Foul Racer. Dirty Driving Ranks Dangerous Driver: Earn this by being voted as the Dirtiest Racer in a tournament five or more times. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirtiest Racer. Hell On Wheels: Earn this by being voted as the Dirtiest Racer in a tournament ten or more times. Anyone with this rank is also a Dangerous Driver. ^Wrecking Machine: Earn this by being the member voted as the Dirtiest Racer in the most tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also Hell On Wheels. Tournament Win Ranks Repulsive Racer: Earn this by winning five or more Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Filthy Racer. Repugnant Racer: Earn this by winning ten or more Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Repulsive Racer. ^Filthiest Racer: Earn this by being the member who has won the most Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Filthy Racer. List of ranks in order from least to most honorable: Dirty Member (least honorable) Dirty Racer Foul Racer Dirtiest Racer Filthy Racer Nasty Racer Grimy Racer Dangerous Driver Repulsive Racer Obscene Racer Raunchy Racer Hell On Wheels Repugnant Racer ^Offensive Racer ^Vulgar Racer ^Wrecking Machine ^Filthiest Racer (most honorable) The four ranks with the arrows in front of them are the four most honorable in the DRL. These are the only four ranks in the DRL that only one member can hold at a time(besides ^Founder of course). A members' title on the members list will consist of their highest rank of each category. The categories are point amount, race wins, voted dirtiest racer, and tournament wins. The color of each member will be that of their most honorable rank, and keep in mind that no two ranks are equal. Number of times voted "Dirtiest Racer" and number of times winning a tournament will be displayed in parenthesis after the title of their highest rank in each of those rank categories. Here is how the point system works: First place will earn 16 points each race, second will earn 15, and so on (most tournaments will consist of 10 racers, so last place in that case would earn 7 points.) At the end of each tournament, the total points earned by each member is added up to determine the results. The number you earn will be added to your overall DRL members points, or what we can simply call, DRL Points. (Tournament winners receive HT points as well; however, those are separate from DRL Points.) 1 person likes this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post Shoot you said i can post it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post Yeah sorry, someone asked if I can post it and so I wanted to just get it done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 2, 2011 · Report post Sign me up for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 2, 2011 · Report post It'll be nice to have you aboard, good sir! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 5, 2011 · Report post I FOUND IT lol neat I'll donate if i knew how Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 11, 2011 · Report post i want to be in this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 11, 2011 · Report post Ok, I'll add you to our member's list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites