Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post Official DRL Tournament Rules and Information Welcome to the Dirty Racing League, or more simply known as the DRL. This squad focuses entirely on dirty and aggressive driving on a wide variety of track types. Tournaments are aimed to be a fun time where anyone can fit in and race without the competitive focus of other squads. Tournaments will be posted weekly on the HT Tournaments page and you will sign up for tournaments through there. Tournaments are posted and advertised over on the official HaloTracks discord, you can join here if you are not already a member. Everyone is welcome, feel free to join in for some fun variety racing. Schedule Tournaments are currently being hosted weekly each Saturday at 6pm EST More tournaments may be held each week or the day/time will change depending on circumstances. Tournament Points: First place will earn 16 points each race, second will earn 15, and so on At the end of each tournament, the total points earned by each member is added up to determine the results. *If there is a tie, the clip will be reviewed in theater. If it is too close to decide, both players will get the same score (if it was a tie for second, both players would get 15 points and the person behind them would be in fourth and get 13 points.) Dirtiest Racer Vote: After each tournament, we will do a vote for who each person thinks was the "dirtiest racer" of the tournament. - This consists of things such as who wrecked you the most, who you saw wrecking people a lot, etc. Each person will be asked for their vote after the tournament is over, each racer gets 1 vote, whoever gets the most vote wins. These currently don't count for anything, but is a fun thing to do each tournament to give more incentive to race hard and wreck everyone you see. Tournament Rules If it's your first tournament you'll get a tl;dr of all the rules you need to know, it's pretty simple. If you have any questions feel free to ask your tournament host. On The Track: - No going backwards on a track, unless it is required by the track - No getting off of your mongoose; ever. If you are stuck or flipped by accident, get back onto your mongoose as quickly as possible. - No using grenades, shooting, or smacking cars if you happen to fall off. - No cheating; if it is possible to cheat the track, in any way, do not. If someone pushes you onto a further part of the track, you are in luck and may proceed ahead of the others. If you get pushed to a previous part of the track, you are in no luck, and must proceed. *This does not apply to supercross style tracks, where you must return to the section you were knocked off of. - If you get stuck or die, just wait to respawn or get off and wait for a mongoose to spawn under you. If you believe you died unfairly and it has cost you an unfair about of time, discuss it calmly with the host. - Pushing, shoving, break-checking, tail-whipping, crashing, sandwiching, and any other form of destroying your opponents is allowed and encouraged. - You may team up with another racer(s) for a short period of time, but long lasting alliances will not be tolerated, including alliances to not wreck each other, and alliances to wreck a third party. - After you finish the race, you must lineup a short distance after the finish line, to the side of the track. This will help the tournament host tell the order in which the racers finished. - No slowing down or wrecking yourself intentionally to let others catch you in order to interfere with those racers. - No stopping on the track and rejoining the race (unless temporarily, for a legitimate reason, with prior warning to the host.) When rejoining, do so when and where you are supposed to be. Starting Procedure: - No going early at the start of the race - No pushing other racers around in the starting area prior to the start of the race. - The race start may delayed or the race restarted at host discretion should they feel this rule is violated. - If the map does not have a starting gate or barrier, the host will shoot a sticky detonator and the race will begin when it detonates. - If the map has a starting gate or barrier, the race will start when it disappears. - Racers are not allowed to repeatedly drive against the starting gate and must remain in line with other racers. - The official gametype has the starting gate drop timer set between 15 and 25 seconds. On The Mic: - No excessive whining or complaining. - Respect the tournament host, do as he/she asks. No excessive arguing with him/her as it will slow the tournament down and hinder good hosting. - Have fun, and if in great peril feel free to yell. However, don't yell too much, be too loud, or be too annoying or the host has every right to reprimand you. - Be respectful to fellow racers: trash talk for fun and mainly as a joke, but rude comments, serious insults, sexism, racism are not tolerated or allowed. - Be quiet when the host in explaining the rules to new members, or if someone needs the host during a race. - You must be sure to talk over others if you get stuck, have lag, etc. to contact the host to ask him what to do. If in this situation, you have the right to interrupt anyone. - Criticism of the tracks will be tolerated provided it is done respectfully and constructively, remember not all tracks are going to suit you and they may be others who really enjoy the track. Lag Policy: - If you experience a black screen or major lag, inform the tournament host immediately. - If the lag is isolated to 1 person, all racers will continue and the effected rider will rejoin where they were relative to those around them. - Your lap total will still count as if you completed the lap(s) you were out due to lag. - If a racer lags out within the first few laps of the race, the race will be restarted. - If too far into the race, they will receive points as per the lag out rule, and will be re-invited for the following race. - If the lag or black screen effects the entire lobby, the host will tell everyone to stop where they are. - People that lag out of the game during this time can rejoin the race in a timely manor, rejoining where they were prior to lag. - Anyone that cannot do so will receive points as per the lag out rule. - The race will restart at a predetermined time given by the race host, usually based on the in game clock. "Lag Out Rule:" - If a driver lags out of a race and it has progress past the restart period, they will receive points equal to their worst position. - If a driver has to miss a race for a valid reason, they will also receive points as per this rule. - The lag out rule is capped out to 2 races per tournament. If any additional races are missed they will instead be classified as DNF and no points will be rewarded. - Lag out rule may also be awarded if a driver is late to a tournament and misses the first race(s) or has to leave the tournament early, this is up to host discretion. Overall: - Have fun, be respectful, and be prepared for some of the most fun and intense racing on HT! Punishments First Offense: Warning. Second Offense: Disqualified from race. Third Offense: Disqualified and booted from tournament. *Keep in mind, hosts and racers, accidents happen: don't go around calling infractions left and right.* Cheating Policy: If someone is caught cheating a track intentionally, with full knowledge that he/she are cheating, then they will get a point total of 0 for that tournament. They will also be banned from tournaments for one week. Rage Quit Policy: If someone immaturely rage quits because they are losing, then they will get 0 points for the race they quit on and any future races and it will go towards their leader-board rank. They will also be banned from tournaments for one week. If someone lags out or has to leave for a valid reason, so be it, but getting angry over a video game and rage quitting will not be tolerated. Uncooperative Policy: If someone repeatedly break the rules, disrespect the host or other racers, or try to ruin the tournament for others, then they will be dealt with. Hosts hold the right to DQ (disqualify) them from races, or more drastically, from tournaments. If this happens after a warning and previous DQ, they will be banned for a week, and then a month, and then a year. So just be respectful and follow the rules. Any questions about the DRL, it's rules, it's members, or anything else please contact NukedLceCream Member Rank Archive (No longer in use) Here are the various ranks in the DRL with a description of how to earn each: Member Ranks: Dirty Member: Earn this by joining the squad. These are either new members, or members who joined but are yet to compete in a tournament. Dirty Racer: Earn this by competing in an Official DRL Tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Member. Foul Racer: Earn this by winning a race in an official DRL Tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Dirtiest Racer: Earn this by being voted as the Dirtiest Racer in a tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Filthy Racer: Earn this by winning an Official DRL Tournament. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Honorable Ranks: Point Amount Ranks Nasty Racer: Earn this by earning over 1,000 DRL points from Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Obscene Racer: Earn This by earning over 2,000 DRL points from Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Nasty Racer. ^Offensive Racer: Earn this by being the member with the most DRL points earned from our tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirty Racer. Race Win Ranks Grimy Racer: Earn this by winning five or more races in Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Foul Racer. Raunchy Racer: Earn this by winning ten or more races in Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Grimy Racer. ^Vulgar Racer: Earn this by being the member with the most race wins in the DRL. Anyone with this rank is also a Foul Racer. Dirty Driving Ranks Dangerous Driver: Earn this by being voted as the Dirtiest Racer in a tournament five or more times. Anyone with this rank is also a Dirtiest Racer. Hell On Wheels: Earn this by being voted as the Dirtiest Racer in a tournament ten or more times. Anyone with this rank is also a Dangerous Driver. ^Wrecking Machine: Earn this by being the member voted as the Dirtiest Racer in the most tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also Hell On Wheels. Tournament Win Ranks Repulsive Racer: Earn this by winning five or more Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Filthy Racer. Repugnant Racer: Earn this by winning ten or more Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Repulsive Racer. ^Filthiest Racer: Earn this by being the member who has won the most Official DRL Tournaments. Anyone with this rank is also a Filthy Racer. List of ranks in order from least to most honorable: Dirty Member (least honorable) Dirty Racer Foul Racer Dirtiest Racer Filthy Racer Nasty Racer Grimy Racer Dangerous Driver Repulsive Racer Obscene Racer Raunchy Racer Hell On Wheels Repugnant Racer ^Offensive Racer ^Vulgar Racer ^Wrecking Machine ^Filthiest Racer (most honorable) The four ranks with the arrows in front of them are the four most honorable in the DRL. These are the only four ranks in the DRL that only one member can hold at a time(besides ^Founder of course). A members' title on the members list will consist of their highest rank of each category. The categories are point amount, race wins, voted dirtiest racer, and tournament wins. The color of each member will be that of their most honorable rank, and keep in mind that no two ranks are equal. Number of times voted "Dirtiest Racer" and number of times winning a tournament will be displayed in parenthesis after the title of their highest rank in each of those rank categories. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post shweet. doesn't look like you missed anything so you shouldn't get too many complaints. lulz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post Yeah I don't think I missed a thing, and I think those rules are fair because most of them are common sense Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post If this is a dirty racing league then you should be able to drive backwards to make even more collisions if you're suicidal enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post Yeah but that just ruins it. Like going backwards you can't win. I'll possibly consider changing it, but probably not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post I don't think changing it is a good idea. it may be dirty, but it's still racing. as in following the track. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post That's a great way to word it. I won't change it but thanks for the thought masta, much ablidged. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted December 30, 2010 · Report post I think I'll just start linking to this when I host tournaments. you've covered pretty much every base. excellent work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted January 3, 2011 · Report post Thanks man, I'll do the same. This makes it much much easier for our tournament hosters. Everything is covered here, except for things that apply to specific tournaments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16, 2013 · Report post - No cheating; if it is possible to cheat the track, in any way, do not. If someone pushes you onto a further part of the track, you are in luck and may proceed ahead of the others. As mention into tonight's tournament, you might want to add something about how this doesn't apply to SX tracks. This will avoid confusion, because I've seen it a few times when newcomers will just carry on when pushed into a further part of the track and then get confused when the regulars shout at them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites