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Le Hefe

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Le Hefe last won the day on May 21 2021

Le Hefe had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

545 Famed

About Le Hefe

  • Rank
    HaloTracks Owner and HT Supercross Co-Leader
  • Birthday 08/22/92

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  • Gamertag
    Le Hefe
  • AIM
    Jeff Heral
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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego, California
  • Interests
    Creating videos, VFX, and being a part of the best racing community of all time!

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  1. - Fixed a bug where the wrong game was being displayed in the map view - Fixed a bug where some images would unexpectedly repeat - Ratings icons are now being displayed properly across all instances Still tons left to do because our applications have broken a lot over time. Please submit your bug reports in Feedback and Support. Thank you.
  2. Lol, ok gotcha. That threw me for a loop.
  3. What are you confused about? Are you unfamiliar with some of the terms I mentioned (ex. double wide tracks, Blockers, etc)?
  4. Sky Tracks: Tracks which are forged at least 90% off of the ground. Common examples are floating double wide tracks, battle tracks, and roller coaster tracks. Terrain: Tracks which are at least 90% on the ground. Tracks in this category tend to be competitive in nature. Motocross: Closed circuit tracks which prominently feature jumps. Supercross and Outdoor Motocross tracks fit into this category. Like, terrain, these tend to be competitive tracks. Demo: Closed circuit competitive tracks which facilitate the HT Demo gametype, a game where two teams of 4, each comprised of one Racer and three Blockers who's job it is to wreck the other team's racer, square off against each other. Mayhem: Tracks which encourage wrecking, dying, or any other form of obstructive driving. Hardcore and collision tracks are common examples of a mayhem track. General: Any track which does not fit into the previously mentioned categories. Let me know if you still have any questions
  5. Banned for banning Wes.
  6. Banned for not accepting Putin in your heart.
  7. yeet
  8. If we're strictly talking about racing: H4 H3 H2A Reach H5 If we're just talking about releases: H3 H2 CE ODST Reach <huge gap> H4 <huger gap> H5
  9. Our maps database does not currently support filtering by game, but I can add that to the list of requested features. For now, you may search by map name or author. Additionally, there exists a service that may be of use to you as we work to add features to our stuff.
  10. By all means, go into details. Don't leave those out. We can better help you if you are more adequately verbose.
  11. rce