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KJI Myztic XO
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No pic, no sig. Sorry.
Alright there is no way of improving if all you get is good feedback, so I am going to try and point out all the bad stuff (lmao, I don't wanna be mean, I want to help you get better) 1) Just looks like a C4D/C4Ds, and the background is smudged/blurred. I suggest turning the smudge strength down..because in the bottom right hand corner it looks really messy lol. Uhm..try some sharpening, but put it's opacity to like..idk, 60%? Make it look more precise, but not too sharp. 2) lol. Just looks like a C4D/C4Ds with the Filter>Pixelate>Fragment effect + B&W Gradient. Uhm..I suggest more colour. But, when I say that I don't mean make the colours stand out, make them very dull/blend them in with the black and white. And, make the text more fancier because the Focal itself isn't too interesting, so the Text should have some character. 3) You gotta admit...its pretty much epic failure lol. Sprites are fun to experiment with..but try not to use them too much, they are hard to work with. If you like a challenge then go ahead but suggestions are, Make the background colours etc. The wave background ruins it. And, the background doesn't fit across the whole sig lol. Looks like you missed the bottom right hand corner. But yea, idk, if you like sprites, keep practicing, but If you were just trying it out..well..then so be it. But, the text..that is not good at all lol. You want people to be able to read it. We shouldn't have to squint our eyes or anything to see what it says, so..yea, try to make your text more clean and easy to read. 4) ehh, it's alright. Seen way too many "tech" siggys that all look the same. Try to stay away from red/orange/yellow for tech. Although, I do like the way you used the brushes, such as the 04 with the rim, to concentrate on the actual focal. However, the text isn't good. Don't make it diagonal like that lol. It completely runined the flow of the sig. You should of either a) Blended it a little, and tipped it up more (to flow with background) or made it a bit smaller text size and made it just completely straight/horizontal. I hope you aren't offended by my comments, my only intention is to help you get better by pointing out your problems. Keep practicing, you will be a rly good gfx artisit! ~Myztic
No need to be harsh. In fact, he is using the signature I provided to him. His images rotate. Refresh the page a few times and you will see it eventually. lol, thanks anyways. Yes. And for everyone that recently requested... I will be working on your sigs today, hopefully will get them done. Just have some patience, and they will be here as soon as possible
I didn't like the Image too much, but meh. I tried my best to make it a bit fancier.
Uhm, they look good, but I suggest making them much smaller. I suggest 500x200 or 400x120
I meant, it rolls of the tongue. Mongeese is just a shorter word/less syllables, and you assume it is easier, which (IMO) is the complete opposite.
SunnySide up >.<
I can haz 1,000,001 postz in thiz thread plz?
lol. I violated one of my VERY own rules, and I made the text stand out a little. but anyways, I hope you like it. and Snakebite, lol, I don't mind if you are patient/impatient, all I can tell you, is it takes more than 10 minutes to complete a tag (signature). lol, you will get one, don't worry, I won't forget about you.
Actually no. did have some recent "down-time" I believe it was because they were updating the server or something. lol, don't worry, you weren't the only one saying to yourself, "wtf?"
Xbox 360: Guitar Hero 3 Halo 3 Fable 2 (yet to come) Wii: Super Smash Bros Brawl
If you read the topic title, it says, "Mongoose Discussion". If you read the first post, it says, "YOUR Opinions!" Also, the poll title is "What do you call it" I was trying to emphasize the "you". So, idk if you say Mongi or not, but there are no "wrong" answers here, considering it is an opinion question.
This is a really helpful thread. Thankyou.