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About PatchworkZombie

  • Rank
    Josh Fox
  • Birthday 09/19/93

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    Yorkshire, England
  • Interests
    Football (socchur), Forging etc.
  1. I started watching this but then decided to stop because I didn't want to spoil anything for myself. From what I did see it looks good but I hope they keep that warthog to a minimum in multiplayer it looks overpowerful.
  2. I like the new update but for me is always really laggy so I don't really go on it unless I'm downloading things.
  3. We all have bad ones this is my favourite: I've lost my phone number can I borrow yours? Not great I know lol I've always prefared: Get your coat I've got a knife, or Dance with me or I'll sh1t in your handbag Post your own (:
  4. So heres my favourite: Three parachutists accidently land in the congo jungle and are captured by a native cannibal tribe. The leader of the tribe says to them: "You must go into the jungle and pick three of the same type of fruit and come back here and stick the fruit inside your rectum. Whoever gets all three pieces of fruit inside his rectum without making a sound can leave, but if you make any kind of reaction we will eat you" So the first man goes into the jungle and comes back with oranges. He manages to stick one half way into his rectum before he screams in agony and is eaten. Then the second man comes back with grapes, and he sticks all three in his rectum but before the last one goes all the way he bursts out laughing and is eaten. In heaven the first man asks him: "Why did you laugh you were so close!" And he replies: "I saw the third guy coming back with pineapples"
  5. I don't think the names "Montana Trail" and "Spire Climb" are very good to be honest. You might as well make an infection map called "Zombie Defence" It just won't be original. When I get Reach I was thinking about making a fully indoor track which could probably be accomplished with the increased budget and object limit. Plus I wanted to start using the water and see how that works out for mongoose speed and things. I don't know why people say it's bad to plan, it builds the excitement for when Reach finally does come out. I've seen pictures showing basically every placeable object on Forgeworld and Bungie have already explained physics in immense detail. I know everything I need to know and more.
  6. Mine will probably just be JF0X. I don't know why you are so interested that you start a thread lol.
  7. I dare someone to post "W0W I just bought Justin Beiber's new album and it's AMZING!!!! OMG I LOVE HIM" on their wall thats 50 times worse haha.
  8. Don't start for another week yet. It's been a long one though I broke up early because of GCSEs and now I have had 11 weeks without school. Starting 6th form college now anyway.