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Em0 last won the day on September 23 2014

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About Em0

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  • Birthday 10/18/94

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  1. 1 - Tsavo Redux 2 - Glaciation 3 - Straights MX
  2. Cannot wait for this new Haken record. The two singles so far have been mind blowing and reviewers are saying that almost every track is just as amazing. Looking like some serious album of the year material. Explosions in the sky was, like many, my introduction to the world of post rock. While a lot of their stuff comes across terrible formulaic, their new album is absolutely brilliant. Lots of cool experimental sounds and moody soundscapes make this a welcome departure from the old sound. And lastly, funking Baby Metal, because it's stupidly catchy and I've had Megitsune stuck in my head all week.
  3. Normally I don't care for butt stuff, but on occasion I like to stick a couple fingers up there. It's all in good fun.

    1. Le Hefe

      Le Hefe

      It's a real shit-show

    2. xSODAPOP 13x

      xSODAPOP 13x

      I tried it before and it hurt really bad

  4. This one is better And bonus Grohl
  5. Anyone listen to The Mars Volta? De-loused is an absolute masterpiece. It's frenetic, heavy, experimental, and just insane some times, but it's one hell of a journey. Also Cassandra Gemini, which feels like a 30 minute trip through drug induced psychosis. Also Dream Theater's new 2 hour long prog rock opera. I haven't quite reached a point of appreciation for it yet because there is a lot to digest here, but it definitely feels like it will grow on me Looking forward to seeing this performed live in its entirety at Radio City Music Hall in April. Managed to snag 3rd row tickets. And finally Snarky Puppy. I might have posted one of these before, but in honor of them winning best contemporary instrumental album for Sylva last night, go watch and listen to this. The musicianship and communication between all of these guys, as well as the production quality of an entirely live performance that sounds better and more pure than most studio albums is absolutely worth a listen.
  6. Anyone seen Halo online yet?

    1. Camonized


      I play a bit of Halo Online myself. I also use a Halo 3 asset mod. Aside from the netcode, it's Halo 3 on PC.

  7. That might be close to reality soon, as long as they don't ruin this with micro-transaction and other nonsense.
  8. Hey guys, I recently starting interning at a recording studio and this was the first session I worked on.

  9. This was an amazing show. BtBaM played Bohemian Rhapsody as an encore and the crowd was awesome.

  10. It's been a while since I've posted one of these. A little progressive metal, some classics, some obscure, and some post rock. Enjoy. Going to see Between the Buried and Me and these guys on Thursday so I've been catching up on their new stuff. Insanely technical musicianship and composition. Anyone for some Zeppelin? Anyone want a 4 minute jam session? Zeppelin II is a staple of classic rock. Here's something you've never heard of. I discovered this one through Game Grumps of all places. It's a concept album that borders on hard rock and progressive metal. And now something from the gods of post rock, Godspeed You! Black Emperor. F#A#infinity is chilling, creating an apocalyptic world with sound. Dead Flag Blues sets the mood of the album immediately with a monologue, the dives into a world of soundscapes and perfectly placed dynamic changes. Put a pair of headphones on and let this one take you away.
  11. The song of healing is still my favorite Zelda song. Koji Kondo is a musical genius.
  12. Recently played Ori and the Blind Forest. Amazing game that I highly recommend playing. The art, sound design, and music is absolutely phenomenal. Anyway, since then I've been listening to the soundtrack quite a bit. And for something wayyyy more depressing, here is a concept album that will ruin you emotionally. It's an experience for sure, with some really powerful moments and ambient ear candy soundscapes in between. Finally something really progy from Between the Buried and Me. Alaska is a pretty good album, but this song is the highlight of the whole thing. The back half of the song is prog metal at its finest, beautiful jazzy clean solo into huge guitar harmonies. Enjoy
  13. Bruh, I'd be around more if it weren't for the no xbone thing. But we definitely need to jam together over the summer.
  14. Sweet Jesus this album is beautiful. The sound huge and the way they seamlessly transition from super technical heavy metal into polka or southern 2 steps with banjo solos is absolutely amazing. I highly suggest Prequel to the Sequel to start out, but it plays as a continuous song as well. Also Viridian is a perfect interlude into the onslaught that is White Walls. Some more prog metal, although a lot lighter, more of an iron rather than lead (I made a chemistry pun). Another amazing album, full of great hooks, epic moments, beautiful interludes, huge choirs, and awesome sounds. You can really hear the King Crimson and early prog influence in it. Also the reprise and later thematic reprise of The Path at the beginning of Because it's There is perfect. And now for something completely different. This Will Destroy You is becoming one of my favorite post rock artists, and this album is a lot more ambient and dark than their other stuff. But this isn't your average dark ambient, this is advanced dark ambient. The first song Little Smoke is probably one of my favorites and sets the tone so well, peaceful and beautiful textures quickly progress into a wall of noise that sounds like the end of the world, just raw desperation and hate throw into your face, but at the same time really beautiful. Highly suggest putting on a good pair of headphones (or better yet, good monitors with a full frequency response) and just drifting off in this universe it creates.
  15. My band won a battle of the bands last night. Also you should totally like our facebook page.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mad Hatter

      Mad Hatter

      You played nothing but Rush songs and won?!

    3. Em0


      Nah, Chris refuses to play anything remotely prog/not in 4/4, but I'll change him yet. It was a full original set.

    4. Mad Hatter

      Mad Hatter

      Oh god i am sorry for the fans.