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Autzen last won the day on October 13 2017

Autzen had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

7 500

About Autzen

  • Rank
    Corporal Grade 1
  • Birthday January 23

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  1. sure
  2. Stranded Okay guys, I'm sure you didn't expect this but this is a track I made during the summer. I just did some touch ups but I would still like feedback for future changes. Thanks.
  3. Awesome video! Thanks!
  4. what base map is that on edit: it kind of looks like sand trap or sandbox with an FX on it
  5. lol
  6. I didn't know you but it's still sad to read this. Good luck in the future. I'm sure the other guys will have plenty of stuff to say
  7. I beat it. Second try I got a 28610. Full vid: <iframe frameborder=0 webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen scale="tofit" width="640" height="365" style="max-width:100%" src=""></iframe>
  8. lol Brusky played my mini game for a stream and I played with rp Gallagher on my team and I had no idea who he was lol. I'll try the challenge tomorrow
  9. I don't why I think this is somewhat funny lol
  10. It's been 9 years and not 1% of 1 million lol
  11. Mythic Warzone 2XP is great. Level 68 to 76 in no time
  12. Nice one
  13. Haven't played reach matchmaking in about a year and dropped 42 kills in Swat stockpile first game on lol
  14. I'm not sure I believe that.
  15. @Camonized I knew you were good but dang, I didn't know you were that good haha. You'd destroy me