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Superior Forger

Map Maker
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Superior Forger last won the day on July 26 2020

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48 Excellent

About Superior Forger

  • Rank
    Commander Grade 3
  • Birthday 07/02/93

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    Superior Forger
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  • Interests
    Assassins Creed, Halo Racetracks / Demotracks, Star Wars Games (All Game Console Generations)

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  1. I'm building one! This is gonna be a fun memory!
  2. I'm up to 15 Mile runs, moving to 17 this Saturday. 6-8 more weeks and I will be at Full Marathon!

    1. Sqeazu


      hell yeah bother


  3. Running every Saturday! 13.2 Miles yesterday morning. Two mile increase every Saturday tell I hit my target max of 35 Miles. Four months ago I did the ultimate challenge for myself to push my limits and run 5 miles for 7 days in a row. It was tough towards the last few days, but I did it and I'd like to do it all in one day. I know from here lots of hard work, discipline, training, and mind over matter will get me to my goal!

  4. Oh, is there a majestical transformer hidden in that scrap pile?
  5. As far as game play/ Campaign experience: H3 H3 ODST Reach H2 H1 H5 H4 I personally Favor H3 and Reach Stories. H1 was good, but long and unfair in many areas of the game which made it frustrating. H2 was better, but still had areas of the Campaign that I didn't particularity care to play. H4 & H5 play-through was kind of bland (IMO). By Multiplayer: H3 is my all time favorite for matchmaking. Halo 4 and H2A are my favorites for racing and forge. Though a lot of cool things have been done with H5 racetrack creations, the physics however are not the best. I think Forge is cool, but I don't particularly care for they way they present Forge. And scripting is way to complex. One would think scripting could be so much more simple, I'll believe it when I see it!
  6. I'm going to forge one. Not looking forward to how long this will take, but thankful that it's a little more convenient.
  7. Voting Period is now closed.
  8. Voting Period ends Saturday June 20th (11:59 EST) Loved all the maps submitted, it's always a blast playing with you guys. I'd go as far to say these last two months, there has been a record of Demotracks created then ever before. It's a tough decision to choose spot #1, they are all unique and fun in their own design. Fantastic job to all forgers for making this happen! 1) Reset 2) Mt. Lelsuvius 3) Spam Fritter
  9. Voting Period open for H2A Demo Forge: 


  10. Demo Forge Off Voting Rules of Voting: Everybody that votes is required to vote 3 maps total. (3 Points for 1st Pick, 2 Points for 2nd Pick, and 1 Point for 3rd Pick. While this voting topic is open to anyone and everyone, (even Contest Forgers), it is preferred that voters voting have played these demotracks at least once. Voting will commence this week. Voting Period ends Saturday June 20th (11:59 EST). Raildoors Created By: NukedlceCream & Rob Chokes A fast and tight turning map with many blind corners. While the racer has an opportunity for a shortcut and a small window of opportunity to hide behind several golf balls to avoid complete blocker contact for a more difficult lap reset, the blockers have several crates that can be moved to assist in a blockade. Also, there is a risky cannon man to take out the opponent and more likely yourself, take in account the risk to reward. Reset Created By: xv Reflex II Another fantastic well thought out track by xv Reflex II. This track features fun traps that can be set by the blockers to ruin the racers day. Of course, if the racer does not fall for the obvious, you can bet that every lap will be a challenge from the many types of attacks available to fellow blockers. Enjoy the rainbow hall at a glance or a whole minute as this colorful landscape is a huge blocker attraction. Where death doesn’t hit you, time certainly will. Mt. Lelsuvius Created By: xDangles25x Another very cool map by xDangles25x built on a volcano where occasionally racers and blockers alike can find themselves in a lava pit. Very run route for the racer with two racer shortcuts, of which one has significantly more risk. Blocker shortcuts are placed well providing an advanced reaction to where the racer may be for a decent block. Spam Fritter Created By: Bean05 & Possante Train Station scenic demotrack. Features trains, boats, and automobiles. The main attraction where the trains are located is just what you would expect to see in a train station. This track flows nicely from the walkways to the train track itself. Blockers have ample opportunity to block on every section if timed right. A simple route with an appeasing aesthetical appeal. Artifact Created By: Superior Forger & Tote Trays A fast and competitive route that requires team coordination to really see its full potential. Main racer setback and whole purpose of the aesthetic appeal includes the crystal that shatters to oblivion when a racer is forced down the hole. This track was forged to enforce a “zero death” policy, so team work is best advised to make the best of what you are given.
  11. Working hard to get this BS sorted out with Pinnacle Studio 23. Look for Demo Voting Topic Friday night.

    1. Le Hefe

      Le Hefe

      In case you miss my messages in the shoutbox, I suggest you dump Pinnacle Studio in favor of Davinci Resolve. There is a free version that basically has everything. This is what I use, and what even major film editing studios are beginning to adopt. It has a node based compositor for FX work, excellent audio tools, and a color suite which is widely considered to be the best grading software in the business. Why more people aren't using this when Blackmagic is just giving it away is beyond me...

      Get you some:

  12. Thank You all for your submissions. Submissions are now closed. Voting will commence soon.
  13. Map Name: Artifact Creators: Superior Forger & Tote Trays
  14. Posted a map "Eye in the Sky" needless to say the editor in which to upload a map is buggy. And I can't edit my own post. Lets talk the issues. Issue List: 1) Selecting a Map name is not obvious. I mean it says map name, but first time around I had no idea where to name my map. Maybe it's just me. 2) Text editor I understand is limited now, kind of takes away the flare that I like to add to my map posts, but I get it, nobody really wants to read map posts anymore. 3) Uploading Images - Once images are uploaded, there is no way to delete them, i.e. change the order in which they are displayed. Also uploading images should be specified a one at a time policy rather then figuring out how to use it with little to none direction. 4) Though I selected MCC, after the map post was created, it said Reach. 5) I hit submit post with just my name as the author "or map maker" and it didn't submit, so I went to add author, obviously couldn't find my name because I was already the poster, but that screen wouldn't let me back out until i selected somebody else "a second person" - which now as the map is submitted has two other authors that did not create the map. 6) Can't edit my own map post. I understand from the past why that might not be allowed, but when it comes to fixing things that didn't go perfectly planned the first time around. I think perhaps a time of edit in hrs before post is locked from editing should be put in place. Unless it's just a bug all together. That concludes a few things that I spotted without going to much further into details.