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CHa0s last won the day on February 6 2017

CHa0s had the most liked content!

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About CHa0s

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    AddiCt3d 2CHa0s
  1. Hey guys. I don't know about middle of the day? Whenever I've set stuff up on a Saturday, usually more people can join in the evenings, just like the weekdays, because of Saturdays being family days and days off where people are often out and about. Regardless, I'm a possible.
  2. PS: What do I have to do to get Map Maker status?
  3. Ridgeline and Vortex Rocket Race map variants are now listed in the HaloTracks maps database ;)
  4. Yeah, I put AnonFriction's Rocket Race on Wyvern Zu's Classic Santrap and it's amazing. I only tested it by myself, but we'll be getting lobby test on it tonight. Then I'll be putting it on my Ridgeline and Vortex remakes prolly sometime in the next few days before I forget ;p
  5. I'm getting a fatal error when clicking on people's usernames and avatars to the side of their posts, trying to go to their profile. Edit: Oh, I can't go to my own profile, either.
  6. Kk, put me on backup, but backups should get to race in another room, just for fun! AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (the "0" is a zero)
  7. Newbie, here, happy to eat your dust but I've had some experience on a Mongoose so don't let me by! I'm in if there's room! Brake check!
  8. Add me to the list!: AddiCt3d 2CHa0s (the "0" is a zero)