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Ultimalocked last won the day on July 25 2014

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5 500

About Ultimalocked

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    Halo, Smash Bros, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

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  1. Yo is it possible to change your Display Name?

    1. xDangles25x


      Yes you can change it under account settings.

  2. o.
  3. What's stopping you? Cowardice?
  4. Add the destroyed Warthog, coward.
  5. Halo Reach is and always will be my favorite, for a variety of reasons. Might be my favorite game ever. Halo 3 and Halo 2 are what I consider the objective best Halo games in terms of Multiplayer gameplay, but I'm giving Halo 3 the higher spot because I like the campaign more and also racing. Halo 2 would be next but they're pretty close. Halo 1 has my favorite campaign of the series, I love the atmosphere of it. I don't care much for the multiplayer. Also no Mongoose. Halo 4's campaign was alright gameplay-wise, though I didn't care for the story. Multiplayer is of course pretty flawed but decent map design. Game is great for racing. Halo 5 is an utter atrocity in all regards that I'd prefer not exist.
  6. Gold: Whitehorse MX - Very fun MX track and quite beautifully Forged. Silver: Straights MX - Another fun MX track that's well Forged. Bronze: Meliora - Nicely Forged and very fun with lots of great jumps. HM1: Tsavo Redux - Aesthetically really cool and fast paced. HM2: Rotundra - Fun and creative Terrain-Hybrid track with lots to like. Great contest with great maps overall!
  7. As for myself and this site, Reach on MCC has made me very excited and I've been playing a lot of Racetracks again with my friends and I may or may not have a track in the works in Forge. Hmmmmm.

  8. Hey guys I know it's been a while but I made a Reddit post last night that if you might wanna see if you've made any tracks on 360 3/Reach/4:

  9. Arndt I A Boss Found his maps through a friend a bit back. I don't see this guy a lot, he doesn't post here, but his tracks are pretty cool.
  10. I like this update. It's like the first one that isn't almost entirely made of half-assed or delayed content tbh.
  11. For an update titled "Memories of Reach", there isn't a whole lot of Reach. The armor is great for sure, plenty of throwbacks to Reach in that, but that's where it kind of ends (also not counting the other misc. things). The map is just a remix of Torque (I've already stated my opinion on map remixes and map variety). The new weapons added are the Plasma Rifle (which didn't debut in Reach) and... Jorge's turret? Yeah going with Ducain23 on that one, many better actual Reach choices. The vehicle is just insulting. Would've been the perfect time to add a Falcon, but we get... a buffed up Phaeton. A Promethean (Halo 4 and onwards) vehicle. I fully understand that there was no indication they'd add a Falcon and they don't have to, but c'mon maaaan. :/ Infection though is really great to have. I could be that guy and say that we should've had it since the beginning, and I would usually, but I'm just happy it is here and it looks really cool, I love the new infected design and how they made sure to have it made right for custom games (Jenga returns bby!). So as an overall update, it's alright.
  12. So yeah, played a LOT of Halo 5 the past few days. Loving the game. I'm a god at SWAT. A very inconsistent god but a god nonetheless. I also am not a fan of having all the armor / skins / emblems being unlocked by REQs (If we could have a middle point, that'd be great, I just enjoy unlocking stuff in video games and that concept seems to be leaving us nowadays) but if it funds DLC and that's why all the updates are free and stuff then that's cool. So yeah, I've pretty much caught up to speed on everything. "I don't think I'm gonna be as obsessed with Halo as I used to be haha." Yeah this is starting to look more and more false as time goes on.
  13. As if a lot of you remember me anyway :VVVV. So ya, I was a decent Forger during late Halo Reach early Halo 4. Made some cool maps here and there. I had a slight presence here, not as much as the other guys but it was one nonetheless. Halo Reach was/is still one of my favorite games ever, and Halo 4 was pretty great too. But then my Xbox broke and by the time I came back, nobody on my friends list was playing Halo anymore and one of my best Halo friends was off my friends list and just gone. I eventually started playing more with a friend of mine and I was getting back into it. And then Halo MCC was announced and I thought it'd be great, but the friend from earlier wasn't getting an Xbox One and between server problems and I didn't like H2A's Forge, and I didn't have any friends to play Custom Games with. So that killed my interest in Halo for the time being. But then I got Halo 5 for Christmas because, despite my interest being killed, I still love the series and such... I just didn't start it until a couple days ago. I love it though. The gameplay is amazing and the forge looks the same. Having a lot of fun just f*cking around on Arena already. But despite my love of Arena, I've always been a casual custom game kind of guy. That was my sh*t when I was playing Halo. So along with some questions and somewhat concerns, I'm looking for some friends to play Halo with. Just casual custom games, maybe some race or some arena fun, consider adding me. My gamertag is same as my username here, UltimaNylocke. I'm a decent player all around, have some great games and some bad games, really good at SWAT. So some questions, what exactly are reqs and how do they work? I thought they'd work with loadouts for slayer, but no. That's not the case apparently. My friend says it is Warzone and that's probably, but I still don't understand everything about it. But you also get armor solely from these packs? I kinda dislike that because it's rng. And how exactly has the Halotracks community been? I've looked at the maps section and I don't see a lot of different trackmakers. On that subject, where's the non-map maker category? I didn't see it. Basically, I wanna get back into the Forge and Halotracks community although I don't think I'm gonna be as obsessed with Halo as I used to be haha. I'm loving Halo 5 but nobody to play it with
  14. Jesuis Crust I'm hype.