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OscarWiggins last won the day on December 28 2015

OscarWiggins had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

30 Excellent

About OscarWiggins

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/15/98

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  • Location
    St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    Forging and competitive racing in Halo over multiple leagues.

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  1. 1. Blue Groove 2. Roca Roja 3. Cancelled 4. Enivar 5. Muddy Hills 6. Rabbit Flats 7. Blergdor
  2. nvm

  3. Hey, does anybody have any information on being able to fix the red dot of death on the Xbox 360 S?

    1. RealDealD


      yeah buy an Xbox One

    2. OscarWiggins


      It's a tempting offer

  4. Name: Nicholas J. Dwornik Gamertag: eNJayDizzle Age: (18 Years Old) Nationality: Canadian Tenure: 4 Years Affiliation: Monster Energy Kawasaki (Member, Former), Muscle Milk KTM (Member, Former), Toyota Yamaha (Leader, Former), Status: Retired Top Achievements: Best Overall Team - Team Monster Energy Kawasaki Member - HT Supercross Leaderboards - [season 7] - {Halo 4} 5th Overall Team - Team Toyota Yamaha Leader - HT Supercross Leaderboards - [season 6] - {Halo 4} 8th Overall - HT Supercross Leaderboards - [season 7] - {Halo 4} 18th Overall - HT Supercross Leaderboards - [season 6] - {Halo 4} Not Classified - HT Supercross Leaderboards - [season 5] - {Halo 4} 17th Overall - HT Velocity Leaderboards - [season 5] - {Halo 3} Season Opener Holeshot Award - HT Supercross - [season 6] - {Halo 4} Notable Records: 2 Podiums (2 Silver, of 9 raced) - HT Supercross - [season 7] - {Halo 4} 3 Podiums (1 Silver, 2 Bronze, of 4 raced) - HT Supercross - [season 6] - {Halo 4} 1 Podium (1 SIlver, of 5 raced) - HT Supercross - [season 5] - {Halo 4} 2 Holeshots - HT Supercross - [season 6] - {Halo 4} 17.1% / Rookie Racer - HT Velocity - [season 5] - {Halo 3} 7 Wins - HT Dirty Racing League - {Halo 4} 3 Dirtiest Racer Awards - HT Dirty Racing League - {Halo 4} Current Accolades: Prospect Racer - HT Supercross Kicking Cassel's ass at every WSOP game.
  5. - 2 Pairs of skinny jeans - Pair of spandex (Yeah buddy) - 2 Flannel shirts - 4 V-Neck shirts - 2 Graphic Tees - 6 Pairs of low-cut socks - Chocolate and other candy - Covered costs for a new helmet and a pair of boots for the racing season! (Funking right!)
  6. Accounts: eNJayDizzle (Main Account) eXeNJayDeeWONeX (Alt Account for the purpose of UK downloading) X3N0N FURY (The Account That Never Was) Gamertag Changes: xNJD1x (The OG GT. Created Boxing day of 2011 after purchasing a non-modded XBox 360.) eNJayDizzle (Changed in 2014 thanks to the nickname given to me by xEasyTargetx.) OscarWiggins (Changed in 2020 after coming back to Xbox and getting into Twitch.) No clans joined to my knowledge. No bans surprisingly.
  7. Funny to think just last year, I was pluming out at 205lbs. Fast forward to present day, and I'm rocking a solid 165lbs. Funny to think what happens when you get your shit together. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RealDealD


      Nice work NJD! Keep it up!

    3. PurpleDinosaur


      Good for you man. Really happy for you.

    4. xSODAPOP 13x

      xSODAPOP 13x

      Cool to see you again NJ!

  8. I'm having some slight issues trying to embed the photo to be viewed without linking directly to the site, so if I could get somebody to do some quick fixes it'd help alot Either way, here's an update on how I be.
  9. Good 5 string bass guitars?

    1. Em0


      A little late, but I suggest an Ibanez SR series, probably the cheapest 5 strings that still play decently.

    2. OscarWiggins


      Sweet, thanks for the suggestion.

  10. Time to bust out Joe. Here's hoping for thunderstorms for shits and gigs!

  11. For shits and gigs, I'd appreciate if you could set me up with in one
  12. You confirmed that one week bonus, so we gonna wait out that one week bonus
  13. I think the reference is only directing towards 5.0, not necessarily the tournament system.
  14. Yeah Gromulen was just the Erosion track not slotted into the season thanks to tracks like Reaper, Filthy Park, St. Lousi, etc...
  15. I'll sign up for the sake of holding a spot