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jbpressure66 last won the day on April 14 2017

jbpressure66 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

12 Good

About jbpressure66

  • Rank
    Bull-worth of a member
  • Birthday 01/05/98

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  • Interests
    Soccer, Video Games, Making Videos
  1. Hello?
  2. I was 9 when H3 came out... but I could still busta can of whoopass on ya
  3. W o w. I really decided to come back at a bad time. Still love you Jeff
  4. Haven't been on here for awhile, what's up guys? I'd like to say I came back completely own my own but I just came back for a college class. I will say this is the first thing that came to mind though.

  5. Cassel is bad is just bad in general. :)
  6. *comes back and checks to distract myself from finals*

    So what's new guys?

    1. Le Hefe

      Le Hefe

      Not too much. We're in limbo right now. Not too many guys forging or racing at the moment. I'm working on a couple "hype" things, though. Gonna try to motivate some peeps if I can. How've you been?

    2. jbpressure66


      Literally pulled 4 all nighters for finals this week because I'm a dumbass and left everything until last minute. 

    3. Le Hefe

      Le Hefe

      Nah, that just means you're a normal college student. lol

  7. Don't give Masta any more power or status than he already has
  8. Probably just gonna lurk around for awhile
  9. Goodbye.
  10. So I guess it's been awhile? Surprised to see the site redone again. Please don't be another (forget the name of that all gaming site) again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jbpressure66


      TriggerPoop that's what it was. Wasn't that word blocked for awhile lol

    3. jbpressure66


      Ope there it is haha

    4. Le Hefe

      Le Hefe

      Haha, we'll never forget. <3 

  11. It's weird coming back here and seeing who's still on the site and how much the staff has changed.

    1. jbpressure66


      Also, I like to see that the community hasn't changed much

    2. PurpleDinosaur


      It's a little slower but we're still here

    3. Camonized


      Good to have you back man!

  12. Ahem, may I get everyone's attention: Penis. That is all.
  13. I feel like I do this every couple of months...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jbpressure66


      And nothing's other than the fact I can drive now.

    3. gogetarulez


      Hey dude lol. Grats on your drivers license.

    4. Offrce


      I have a driver's license too :)

  14. Banned for lowering sperm counts.
  15. I didn't get that for a second...