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PurpleDinosaur last won the day on January 1 2019

PurpleDinosaur had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

252 Illustrious

About PurpleDinosaur

  • Rank
    HT Supercross Co-Leader
  • Birthday 02/06/95

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  • Interests
    Sitting on my bottom, hanging out with Pappy

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60530 profile views
  1. I made a track it's called Shantytown Dirtycross. It's fun time, good track, happy player. Shanty.mvar
  2. Thank you everyone for your votes. I am amazed at my success and did not expect it!
  3. Map Name: Straights MX Gamertag: Purpledinosaur0
  4. 1. Mt. Lelsuvius 2. Reset 3. Raildoors
  5. We can do it!
  6. Thank you, that works.
  7. Instead of posting another topic, I'll add another issue here. It is not possible to edit your map post once it is submitted to the map database. The button which should take you to the map editor doesn't load anything.
  8. Are past tournaments, take for instance the Halo Reach Go-Kart Endurance tournament and the Nationals Open Series, no longer available to view and no longer stored on the site? The tournament page is extremely limited in scope and does not contain tournaments which happened over a few years ago.
  9. First update in two months - 10 days.

  10. Check out this post on Halo Waypoint. There will be a one time transfer of Xbox 360 files in early August. All you will need to do is have the files on your file share.
  11. "where the lap times are counted in whole seconds" So true
  12. Happy Anniversary Cam
  13. Let’s rce


    3..2..1 Lets rce 

  14. HT challenge was a good time Easy medium hard
  15. Next gen Wall Rider? You should do that.